How do you feel about the game today?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by joe_, May 22, 2015.

  1. Have the devs addressed your concerns?

    Is it enough?

    Should the growth weekend "event" boosts be permanent?

    What threads or events are you following with interest?

    Is the game growing or shrinking, and what can we do to expand it?
  2. Reserved
  3. Reserved
  4. I would like to Say Devs suck. Devs are useless. Ata my monkey ass. Devs needs to stop being stupid And start fixing this game.
  5. PvP systems didn't change in five years, something needs to be done about that.

    Devs don't care about cheaters as long as they spend enough money, something needs to be done about that.

    PvP events are good. Lots of fun. Should include everybody though ;)
  6. Criticism without proposing a solution is simply whining. Saying the devs are doing a lousy job is fine, but articulate in what fashion their efforts are lacking and how they can resolve these short comings. Thanks.
  7. Oh believe me Kaw_Admin wouldnt care to read that.
  8. Please folks. If you know anything about my threads, it's that they're positive and solution oriented.

    Saying "devs suck" accomplishes nothing, so if that's your stance and you have no more to add, don't post here.

    Realistic opinions and honest discussion only please.
  9. I agree Argoli, and frankly, I think the strike zone should be altered, and this pvp event seems to be a good first step, as was "growth weekend". They're steps that can lead to more if the devs decide to do more.

    Being angry is ok. Being unsatisfied with the current state of things is ok, but bashing individuals or the devs on this thread is not ok.

    Disagree with ideas and thoughts, but respect each other as people.

    All thoughts are welcome, no negativity is.
  10. This...
  11. Shadow's been beating me silly every regen for 2 days, but he's right there.
  12. Prefer VK or Mod?
  13. This event is a great step forward although I agree the hit issue needs to be resolved. 5x the size of someone is just too much at the high end however if that range was halved to 2.5x above and below then people still have a chance with pots and equipment.
  14. I think the past week can be a stepping stone.
  15. I feel that the hit range in general is a bit too "open". Equipment is cool and all, but as reward for every event, some epic battles, and wars; I believe it's getting saturated. There's enough variety of equipment already.
  16. I agree the hit range should be augmented, BUT this would be a very hard balance to implement. In a game whose user base is declining significantly faster than its new user aquisition this is a concerning topic.
    First doing so would further isolate the remaining users from one another, especially the large accounts. The guys on the top end of the lb would essentially have no one to hit and no reason to play.
    Furthermore this move would also make equipment God and force balances to be made in that respect. Currently hit ranges only account for stats and bfa I'm fairly certain. If that aspect remains constant then it becomes apparent that the value of equipment is now significantly higher to differentiate you within your range.
  17. About the hit range - we know you can hit people 6x smaller and 6x bigger than you.

    This made sense when the max cs was ~10m. Now it's a mess.
    Would you say it's fair people with 40m cs can just bang on people with 10m and even smaller ones? I don't.
  18. I liked last weekend's promo and it think it was a step into the right direction. But well, it didn't last very long. Interestingly, I've seen ebs being made that seemed totally forgotten. I also think that this promo was a strong sign showing that the devs read our threads and try to address our concerns (if possible).

    Is the base shrinking or not? Really no idea, I've seen quite a lot of new faces as well as returning ones these last days. I would dare to say that the player base still has a sane number.

    The hit range is a tricky thing. It needs to be carefully adjusted to take the number of players of each bracket into consideration. That's honestly not very easy. Narrow it too much and you risk being in an 1vs1, open it up too far and you'll get small ones ending up frustrated for getting milked.

    PvP events are quite fun, but I didn't opt in this time. I had the feeling to only have max 50 different names on my BL last times, pretty frustrating when half of them have "join my osw" banners. The new event interface looks great though, well done!
  19. I don't see many different names either. True that. However - who cares about their banner, mosts are lying to scare people off lol. I usually just hit blindly when hitting bl. Nobody can blame you for doing so 
  20. As someone who helps newbies, I think they need to create some more smaller equipment eb's for small stats, especially now with a 1bil ally being the cheapest ally they can hold on to for maximum plunder.

    I can't imagine how slow it must be for small stats in a clan without some big stats to help them along by doing some bigger eb's where they can hit items.

    That in itself can be hard work.... lol... just trying to make sure they are on due to different timezones and pestering them about making sure they get in to hit items so we can get them an ally.

    The game needs new players to keep playing but there isn't much incentive to keep them playing.