Same Gender Marriage [MGTD]

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Seth, May 18, 2015.

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  1. Yes and wild animals adapt to avoid pain and predators as well.
  2. Maybe. I'm not sure. I never asked, because I didn't care. He changed, and i didn't really care how. Maybe it was just a phase, maybe he just decided that he didn't like it anymore, maybe he went through a therapy of some sort. I'm not sure. The mind is a very fragile thing. Anything can change it at any time.
  3. Im sorry what? You're gay now?
  4. No. Lots of straight people get AIDS. If only gays could get AIDS, a lot of people in parts if Africa that got hit with the AIDS pandemic a while back would have to be gay. Anyone can get any STD, and most everyone has a chance, however small the chance is, I catch any given disease.
  5. No. I'm still straight as a ruler. I was just saying that a lot can happen to a person over a long time. Who knows? Maybe one day you'll be straight. Maybe one day I won't be straight. Who knows, right?
  6. Greatking you're a tool who has continually contradicted yourself throughout this thread. From being gay is a sin to you might be gay tomorrow. To I could remain celibate for the rest of my life if I were gay to the mind is a fragile thing I could change tomorrow. You're rAther a troll or incredibly disturbed . I will pray for your feeble mind. Gay or straight I some how feel you will in fact remain celibate through life not by choice tho lol
  7. I'm sure you are already well aware, but there are in fact branches of Christianity that do support LGBT etc. people. Not all Christian-based restaurants and other places would reject those couples. (Plus, why not take the job for the cash? ;) (putting religious reasons to the side))
  8. Many doctors and psychologists with the degrees and research to back their findings would know actually.
  9. And that **** doesnt change man... Just doesnt. been there done that. Of course I could always chose to be with a woman, but that doesnt make me straight. Just like you could chose to be with a man, doesnt mean youre gay. In that way its always a choice, but the attraction doesnt change. Hearing that your friend "changed" is actually pretty disheartening to me. It means he's probably repressing himself to conform. Ive seen that before, its sad for everyone involved. Sad that he'd even feel like he'd have to change.
  10. Just let the filter do it's job peeps. 
  11. This is what I was hinting at, but I dont think he got it. :\
  12. Btw if you couldnt tell i was being sarcastic about the aids thing ;>
  13. Yah he probably needed you to clarify that. :p
  14. I'm not contradicting myself.

    Let me make it more clear because it probably is confusing to everyone with all my posts on this thread-

    1. In my religion, homosexuality is a sin.
    2. Also, it is only a sin if you act on your impulses and perform homosexual acts.
    3. Simply being gay isn't a sin as long as you don't act on your homosexuality.
    4. If my religion said that being straight was bad but only if you acted on those impulses, I wouldn't act on those impulses.

    My political beliefs-
    1. Gay marriage should be decided by the states/provinces or however the country is divided, not the federal government.
    2. If gay marriage is legal in a given state, a company shouldn't be forced to cater/play at/hold etc. any marriage of any two people, gay or straight, if they don't want to.
    3. Gay people shouldn't be discriminated against, but they should be respected, but the gays themselves should respect religions who don't support gay marriage.

    See, I tend to keep religion out of politics, because if I didn't, it would be unfair to people who don't follow my religion if I was in charge. But there is a place where I draw the line. But those are for another time, and another place. We shouldn't discuss them here, because I don't want to derail the thread.
  15. Maybe one day I'll be straight. Hmm, if only.. that'd make my life a helluva lot easier tbh. Or maybe not... Girls are kind of crazy... But anyyyyways. Yeah, I dont think its something that can change. I mean, ive gone through the whole denial phase, tried to be straight.. Really tried, and it was just really sad. For as long as Ive known its been a part of me, very much something embedded within me. Something that I feel cant be changed, no matter how hard I could ever try.
  16. And there isn't a thing wrong with that. Some people (like my friend) can make that change, and some can't.

    And I thought the AIDS thing was a test to see if I believed that, so I responded.
  17. I dont think you're that dumb, dont worry lol.
  18. I know there are some, and if they want to do that, go ahead. I'm saying if they don't want to do the job, they shouldn't have to worry about getting in trouble for discrimination if they refuse. And all businesses should have that right.
  19. The other guy could've fooled me...
  20. He isnt contradicting himself. Hes just using an advanced type of writing in which ones ideas and assertions slowly change to benefit their debate at that point in time.
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