Regulators Arrested?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Radagast, May 19, 2015.

  1. I didn't say it!
  2. If you are a outlaw biker, drug dealing murder. Or aspiring to be, you are part of the underclass. A criminal. All jokes aside. Unless of course you are a supporter of such actions?

    This was mentioned the other day on the Baltimore thread. About how the MC's are looked at differently amongst the public. I has said something how no one cares when bikers/criminals get messed up. Where as heroin dealers and strong armed robbers get treated as martyrs nowadays.

    Tragic, but interesting. I live by a club house. The police sit there and watch anytime it's being used. Like hawks.
  3. Eagle.. PandaGeorge.. And the Regulators biker gang..

  4. if the sons of anarchy were there theyd messed them all up n rode off in the sunset
  5. That's how we roll in Waco 
  6. As to being underclass. From my perspective, being at rallies, you'd be surprised how many doctors, lawyers
  7. Correct. Many walks of life in MCs, but hey let's be myopic and portray everyone in a MC to be thugs.
  8. Yes Cal, plenty wannabes and scum wear their colors when they ride and cause problems for those who do not. Point is you'd be surprised who is behind those shades and jacket. Door swings both ways.
  9. I'm an independent rider, no MC for me although I do prefer to ride with friends for safety. It's safer because people SEE a group riding, compared to a single headlight.

    Just throwing this last bit out there. WEAR A HELMET!!!!! A few weeks back I took an early Sunday morning ride, alone. Such a nice day. Then some one pulled out in front of me, I had no chance. Wrecked my Harley. Fractured my skull in two places, broke my eye bone, tail bone, and shattered my wrist. Where I live, helmets aren't required, and I didn't wear one.

    I get to go have another surgery on my wrist this week. My head hurts, and It taste like I'm licking a 9volt battery all day.

    So, try to ride with friends when possible, and wear a helmet.
  10. You know... There is a biker group in Arizona, I believe. I don't recall the name but they dedicate themselves to protected children of sexual abuse. If the abuser isn't in jail, they sit outside the child's house to help ensure the child feels safe. They also attend their trials with her so she doesn't feel scared or ashamed to face the abuser in court.

    Yes. Tell us more about what terrible and uncivilized people bikers can be.

    In my state, there is an annual event where bikers travel like a parade. It's called a pride ride. It's on the 4th of July. Hundreds and hundreds of bikers strap stuffed animals on their bike and drive for hours and hours to give them to children who need them.
  11. Bikers Against Child Abuse, aka BACA

    Bikers Against Drunk Driving, aka BADD

    Yes, there are some great MC out there.
  12. BACA is amazing.
  13. If your are a "outlaw" biker you are a thug.

    Learn how to read.

    Mountains out of mole hills. It's nice to see doctors and lawyers imitating criminals though. Their dress, their style. You act like a bunch of liberals protecting drug dealers and murders. What's next are we gonna protect the choMos?
  14. Roll some weak patch around where I live. The Pagans will patch you over, or your flying under them in Philly. lol

    Pew pew pew Outlaws.

    But ok list all the charity work they do. The Clinton's do charity work too. That means nothin when you enable drug dealers and criminals. Best they can do is break even with the karma.

    Have a nice day. :)
  15. Hydra apparently anyone that rides in an outlaw to you. If that's not STUPID I don't know what is. Have you ever rode bro?
  16. This is why we don't get rid of guns. We have a bunch of adults who have to roll in packs like a bunch of pansies.

    Keep the bananas clips filled up. Who knows when they will all turn into maniacs.
  17. My uncle was in a really bad motorcycle accident a several years ago. The only reason he is still alive today is because of his helmet.
  18. I think there is a dumb debate going on right now. One person is saying that the bad motorcycle people are bad; assuming that the biker gang who got into a fight are not a peace loving protect kid group.

    The other side is arguing that not all biker groups are bad because there are some really nice biker groups, not what Hydra was saying. Not that what he is saying means anything. It is the same as saying the people who shoot guns and murder people for homicidal and not self-defense are bad people.

    The point is the arguments are not aligned and pointless. An example of this pointless argument can be elucidated by looking at prisons. You can find good innocent people in jail, people who did not commit a heavy offense, oppressed people in jail, murders and abusive people getting beat up in jails, murders becoming well-respected in jail, insane people with no care in the world, people who correct their evil tendencies, people who continue to grow their gang in the prison system, corrupt guards (IMO Stanford experiment most guards probably go a little crazy), excellent therapists, psychotic therapists, and all sorts of people. Basically I am saying the overriding thought is only bad people are in jail and perhaps that is true for a majority, that is not completely true. Now i did no research nor bothered to look up anything, so I have no idea if the % of people in jail who are bad is a majority or if that is a stereotype.

    Likewise I do not know if all biker gangs are full of people who commit crimes regardless of their backgrounds (being a doctor or lawyer does not make you a good person, being a good person makes you a good person). I think the consensus of most people would be that a biker gang is full of tough guys who break the law. That may not be a majority, but I don't think anyone considers casual riders a "biker gang." Maybe most bikers are great people and next time you need help just go find the nearest biker gang for help, but maybe not. Unless you have evidence, it is hard to sway anyones mind. Especially if that is a general consensus; although saying small contrary facts will definitely help sway an argument one way or another. I.e. someone says some biker gang did some heinous acts and someone else says there was a gang who did some amazing things.

    BASICALLY all y'all be a buncha ignant fools, lolx. It is how our society argues things, in bite size microexamples without ever bothering to look at the whole or try to figure out what/why one side is arguing something. Aint freedom beautiful. Btw hope this thread dies from massive derailment.
  19. Bandidos and similar mcs claim themselves being Outlaws. They deal drugs, weapons, humans, offer paid kills, etc. I guess there is no need being sad if they shoot up eachother...

    I think i get your point though. A Society that creates people like that should ask itself what to change...
    And i also have problems when People make fun out of ANYones death/pain/misfortune. But if no civil victims were involved here ( dont know about this) then i guess they just did their thing. No need to be sad for them. They were outlaws and wanted it.️
  20. Wow hydra so you have to be a outlaw to ride a bike or be in bike club hmmm. Also have to be a murderer to be a drug dealer hmm. Well pharmaceutical companies push harmful drugs on the public daily ,are they murders ? I say yes but that's a dif topic. Now on to motorcycles = outlaw very sad assumption I would say. Tons of bike enthusiast are part of clubs because they love bikes. According to your anology of outlaw corvette clubs, dog clubs, low rider clubs, government clubs are outlaws. Well government clubs yes but all others ..... lmao. And to all those crying saying stuff like people are senseless and gov needs more control .... wow and they governing us now meaning exerting control over our lives and things keep getting worse. Stand in line with the other 300 million Americans trying to give their freedoms away. When did people become so lazy that they let everyone control everything around them. Try being more active in the community to help raise people that don't have good up bringing ect that might lead them to a better life. Or say look at these crazies we need more laws and prisons. Instead of actually getting to the core of the problem to prevent it in future. O wait if we prevent crimes murders car accidents and the list is long for impovement needed, we eliminate jobs . Dang so now we can't fix prob because it's not profitable. Wake up people stop being selfish and greedy and start at the core of the problem . Which doesn't include laws and jails it includes a good education and a lot of love for or children. Troll away I know most can't even comprehend common sense.