LONGER Limitaion

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by AVentura123, May 16, 2015.

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  1. *Don't expect this to be finished because I had a problem when posting long threads*

    I had a friend that was still growing who was farmed several times. He didn't give up though, but the worst part is that he was strip farmed by four people. FOUR people, which.. Makes him lose all of his gold. I had thought of an idea and some of his gold was saved. But even though his gold was saved, he became sad because he lose all of his progress and came back to zero. I became sorry for him because of that.

    And two of those farmers come back when he had earn a few more gold. And strip farm him again.

    I read from a thread that someone is farmed by his clanmate because his clanmate revenged. Revenged? He did absolutely nothing but he said that because that farmer was also farmed a lot when he was small. Why not revenge to his farmers? Well I don't know. It even reminds me of a jumpscare game where the people that died revenge to the living even though the ones who killed them are possed robots. Kinda confusing if why though....

    I thought that maybe, MAYBE some farmers are just revenging because they are farmed. *Before I continue I'm not crying I'm not finished yet* Just like bullying, bullies became a bully because they are bullied or they don't want to be weak anymore.

    And.... I know farmers love farming but, over-farming is like abusing (even though it's more loved by farmers). Imagine if you are the victim of over-farming and you had been strip-farmed without any alts nor friends to help you out.

    Just Imagine!

    -_- I said just imagine! If you had no imagination or too bored to imagine then fine, just skip some of this post.

    I also thought that this is the reason which added more farming and more cries in forums, chats etc.
    So, I present to you this idea...
  2. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Limited Farming

    I know most people may think of it but, don't worry it's not like the limited attack = 5 or something just wait for me to be finished.

    I though that this way farmers can still farm but will not reach the point of being abusive.

    I thought of having this depends in stats but the stronger you are the more your maximum farming will be added. Post if these stats should be edited or not (Jokes wouldn't be considered)

    5k cs = 20-25
    50k cs = 25-30 | 10m cs = 64-66
    100k cs = 30-35 | 15m cs = 66-68
    500k cs = 35-40 | 20m cs = 68-70
    1m cs = 40-45 | 25m cs = 70-72
    2m cs. = 45-50 | 30m cs = 72-74
    3m cs. = 50-52
    4m cs. = 52-54
    5m cs. = 54-56
    6m cs. = 56-58
    7m cs. = 58-60
    8m cs. = 60-62
    9m cs. = 62-64

    My idea aren't 100% sure so you may tell me if I need to adjust the limits even more

    Changed. Vote in this thread if I will request to lock this and make another one to show the ways on how to stop players from attacking you.
  3. Re: Battling to Abusing

    You make it sound like your friend was stripped clean. With only 4 accts? Do you have any idea how many steals are required for a clean strip?
  4. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Usually when people get stripped it's because they did something to offend whoever is hitting them.

    I can't remember hearing about a strip being random.
  5. Re: Battling to Abusing

    And you talk about farming like it's something terrible. It's a GAME.
  6. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Dont let people brainwash you into playing inside some box. Its a war game. If one person hits you , hit back with 1 or 100 players.or 100 clans. Who cares. Its your kaw. play it the way YOU want.


    Ideas are peaceful. History is violent

    Go write yours.

    Happy Kawing
  7. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Imagine all the time and money invested. Its more like a hobby to some. Imagine having a collection of a thousand stamps. Someone comes in and burns a hundered. Still, even though a hundered, you made the effort to get that hundered
  8. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Was it sean893?
  9. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Normally people aren't stripped just for the hell of it.

    Your friend most likely reacted to the farming im a manor that the others were hoping for.

    Eh.. He'll survive
  10. Re: Battling to Abusing

    When anyone on this game makes an investment in allies, they do so knowing that it could be stripped and they accept the risk.

    I've been stripped and it's not the end of the world. With HTE, it's easy to recover from strips.
  11. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Tell that to Harbinger.
  12. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Who fund it?
    Who are those 4 people?
  13. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Who did this to Sean?
  14. Re: Battling to Abusing

    I expected your comments.

    And, sean? What do you mean?
  15. Re: Battling to Abusing

    If I was being farmed I'd go inactive for a little and bank everything or hit back harder
  16. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Uhm.. This is a game that has a built in mechanic to do such things. You invest real money to gain the ability to beat down other kingdoms.

    Stamp collecting isnt a war game...

    You know, theres a bit of a difference.
  17. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Magic right either your buddy...

    A.Did something
    B.reacted badly
    C.ticked the wrong person(s) off
    (Disclaimer: if said friend is insistently smack talking an getting creamed he or she should
    A.play dead
    C.fluff parties ego
    (To be continued)

  18. Re: Battling to Abusing

    That doesn't change the fact that this is a game. If you think it is unfair that gold which was bought with real money can be taken, then don't spend real money on KaW.
  19. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Who stripped Sean !??
  20. Re: Battling to Abusing

    Who did this to sean?!!!!
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