Monthly DTS/DTW Off Day

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LordDremlok, May 15, 2015.

  1. Once a month there should be one day where DTS/DTW is off. This would increase competition with lb's and increase fun. :D
  2. And most lb wouldn't hit. Some would but imagine all the fails on cella for example.
    Also plenty of weaknesses with this. Just create an alt to fail bomb bigs to exploit the system.
  3. Yes. Let's let the lb farm the new accounts and give them even less of a chance of being able to hit back in return. This is a brilliant idea to help kaw retain the new players that try out this app.

    /end sarcasm, this is a horrible idea lol
  4. I support this idea. Panda email support ️
  5. By "DTW," do you mean "Defender is too weak," as in pinned or "You are too strong for this opponent," when you try to hit noobs?
  6. Too strong/weak to hit
  7. I'd support no pin for a day, but not that.
  8. What would be the point of letting lcbc players farm new players?
  9. What would be the point in farming a new player? They pay terrible
  10. The noob tears maybe. I just know it WILL be done.
  11. There are plenty of targets on kaw. I can't see why attacking a DTS lb player would benifit kingdoms at war as a whole.

    As for dtw is that just not a coward thing to do? Hey look there's a new guy let's attack him.

    The range is already to high I can be hot by people double my stats you idea would just make things worse.

    I'm guessing your trolling.
  12. I'd support half regen times on a day of no ebs, imagine the chaos :mrgreen: