Not sure I like the idea. All I see coming from a update like this is clan hopping and further emphasis on eb only players. Yes, eb is now necessary to grown but it's obnoxious as is, why make it more obnoxious.
The list of active ebs exists already but I have always wanted to sort by eb so it isn't just a random mess. Finding equip ebs would be much easier For instance
In fact, this feature or revamp of the clan events list has been asked a few times and it always got quite some support. Under its current form, it's useless. At least a basic sort on that list should be implemented, the more features it has, the better. Support
Support may help alleviate ads in wc - who am I kidding noobs will always start ebs they can't finish
Great for people to further search HTE clans easily. Also good for EB fairys ( I am a EB fairy by the way) ( At least for a little time). So No Support