So.. Its no secret that I'm terrible with the ally market crap, however I was helping a friend volly a clan member when I had an idea... I was think about all the ovepriced, tiny allies and how this issue has gotten out of control for whatever reasons. Example- a 20 bil inactive ally with only 200k stats ( is this really necessary? I think not ) Anyhoo, my idea is the percentage u gain from each hire should be based on the ally's stat to hire price ratio. For example, if someone were to buy a 20bil no stat ally, the seller/person getting stripped, would make less than if the ally in question cost the same but their stats were higher. I think this would help the ally market tremendously. Just a thought tho... Discuss...
Yeah, definitely don't like the large amount of overpriced allies on the market. Idea seems like an intriguing concept. I wonder how it would work for allies that are growing? It it a percentage off the stats when you got the ally or it's current stats once you sell it?
Slightly confused on what exactly you mean, like underpriced being hired away makes you more money? And if an overpriced gets hired you make next to nothing is this the general idea?
Prob would never happen, certain LB players, not to name names, abuse volleying massive amounts of cash from alts and it probably wouldn't be in the devs best interests to piss them off
Yes that's what I mean. And too bad so sad for lb.. There's others people that dump a ton of money into this game as well.
This was an idea i postedon a different thread a while back. Its pretty far fetched, but just for the sake of throwing out ideas... -A real time 'average value to stats' reference. Like an lb tab. Basically its a number that overpriced allies will naturally degrade in value to in a set amount of time. Set amount of time could be 30 days. Every day (24hrs) a percentage of the salable value is reduced until the hired ally falls into the range of the kaw average for kingdoms of the same stat range.
No support. There is a reason people over price allies. Also then people could have a bigger problem reaching max plunder.
I think the market can correct itself through other means. These days 70% of allies are bombs. Let's get new folks playing
Yes let's get new folks to play and save up for overpriced, inactive, crap allies. Maybe they won't get tired of that and keep playing like a percentage of the already inactive new players. Sounds like a top notch idea. Idk why nobody has thought of that before..
Like joe said, the market regulates itself. There is no market for zero stats allies over 2b, those are used for max plunder. The ones you may find at prices around 10T have another purpose. I don't think that you and me are potential buyers, so we don't care about those. An overpriced ally is an ally whose price/stats ratio is higher than the market average. Those usually won't sell except in case of a strip, an inflation in the market or a growth in stats of that ally. As long as max plunder isn't tied to the stats of your allies but their net worth, there really is no use of any outside regulation.
This is a ridiculous idea and creates a great deal more problems than it creates. Hte is the real reason for inflation if ally price, new lands tiers, alts are the reason some are just ridiculously over priced.. No support I do however support that we never talk of this again.