Petition For Nepal Donation

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LHL_LegendarySirAyden_LHL, May 12, 2015.

  1. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

    Support. The kaw community has done this before we can do it again :)
  2. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*


    The Dalai Llama needs your help!

    I kid, but seriously, it's very deserving of our attention.
  3. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

  4. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

    ^^ don't like the idea hop off
  5. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

    Updated my 2nd post with other ways to donate. Thank you all for the ideas.
  6. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

    Support - The Gurkhas have helped us in our time of need and we should repay our debt to them. As Ayden and Rusted have said, there's many ways to donate. This is just one of them
  7. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

    I'm not sure. Seems like a way to profit from a disaster.
  8. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

    My numbers are for all earthquakes and there aftershocks. It is calulated using the biggest earthquake of the year and includes aftershocks.
  9. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

  10. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

    Good idea, a worthy cause...
  11. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

    Maybe last night I was a bit too harsh. But simply because a campaign in KaW is simply not efficient. And I can explain why. Yes knowing that ATA is willing to help people in Nepal some people would buy more xtals in order to increase ATA's revenue therefore to increase the amount that ATA might send to Nepal. BUT if there's a charity motivation behind your purchase its still a purchase and treated as such. By Apple or Google who are going to take their 30% cutt. But national governments who are going to take their sale tax or VAT. So only few cents from that dollar would reach to Nepal.
    What ATA can do? To have a welcome message for one month. Something like "We donated for Nepal(if they feel like doing it)! If you want to do the same here are couple of links of few trusted charity organisations". Donate via a charity organisation instead an in-game purchase have a big advantage. It is a donation an treated as such. Therefore tax-free in any part of the world. If you want to spend one dollar to help people from Nepal, via a charity organisation the full dollar will reach to Nepal. Via an in-game purchase more money from your "charity purchase" are reaching in Apple/Google's pockets than in Nepal.
  12. Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event*

    ^^Excellent info, charities are listed in the op
  13. The op has been updated, thank you all for your feedback
  14. Thank you for providing options to help these people
  15. They have done donations before why stop now
  16. Or just donate directly...instead of donations you want something out of it so it seems like you are a good person.
  17. No support. Theyll b ok
  18. OP just want one of those relief achievements to look cool.
  19. This