In light of the feedback given by the kawmunity at large, I have decided to revamp the op. To the players: This is an official petition asking the players of Kaw to donate AID to the victims of the recent and ongoing earthquakes in Nepal. These Men, women and children need support, medical supplies, clean water and food, the things you take advantage of every single day. Below are charities for the Nepal disaster that have been certified by the BBB (Better Business Bureau) to have accurate accounting of all funds donated. ActionAid USA Adventist Development and Relief Agency International American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee American Jewish World Service American Red Cross AmeriCares Foundation Brother's Brother Foundation CARE USA Catholic Relief Services Church World Service Concern Worldwide US Direct Relief Global Impact GlobalGiving Foundation Habitat for Humanity International HOPE worldwide Humane Society International International Medical Corps Islamic Relief USA Lutheran World Relief MAP International Medical Teams International Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Mercy Corps Operation USA Oxfam America Plan International USA Project Concern International Salvation Army (National Corporation) Save the Children Federation Seva Foundation SOS Children's Villages-USA United States Fund for UNICEF World Food Program USA World Neighbors World Relief World Renew World Vision If you would like to donate anonymously please visit their web sites. If you would like public recognition for your donation, please have an ss of the donation and pm me. I will publicly recognize you on this thread and with some cool wall art. For those who do not wish to donate through outside sources or need a bit of incentive for donating (yes, I'm suggesting this to try and get your $ to help others) I am petitioning the devs to hold an event (like we did for the Haiti victims) with suggestions below. 1: Hold an event where you donate a large % of xtal purchases to the Nepal relief funds 2: Hold an event where you donate a large % of seal/horn purchases to the Nepal relief funds ( increasing drop % during the event ) 3: Fly food, water, medical supplies, and medical personal to the area in the jet you bought with all of our purchases 4: Hold an event where you reduce building costs and donate a large % of xtal/seal/horn purchases to the Nepal relief funds 5: Create a Donate button in the marketplace for those who want nothing in return for donating. 6: A combo of any above options. *options 1,2,4,5 award players with caring for humanity achievement To all who respond: Please post Support or No Support ( with a small explanation of your choice) below. These people need our help just as the others we have helped with previous donation events. Let's pull together once again as a community to help those in need. Show your humanity and support! Trolls: Do Not Post Here, Stay on topic. Updates: Several more earthquakes have hit the region in the past 48 hours, the largest being a 7.4. Death toll to date: 8,000 + Injured to date: ~18.000 Homeless: 140,000 +
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* Public Donation Recognition List: The following people have given what they can so that others may live.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* Massive support. Nepal is in real dangers of losing thousands of more lifes from starvation and dehydration. They have also been repeatedly devastated by aftershocks that have crumbled more buildings and created massive landslides. Nepal was never ready for what happened and with the most recent aftershock, is still embracing more pain and greater chaos. The missing, injured, and dead list is growing and may continue to rise. I feel that it is the least we can do to help them. Also, there are many other websites you can search for like the Red Cross, to donate money to the relief of Nepal.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* May I offer an option 6 of just donate out of the good of your heart and not want a reward for doing a good deed?
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* I think mcdonalds has a donation box. Red cross too.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* I think you misunderstand petitions. Just because you get the numbers needed, doesn't mean anything is going to happen. You can get 50k people here to support. The devs still have every right not to do this.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* The devs have the ability to do as they wish. This is a petition showing support for the idea. Hopefully the devs will see it and do something, if not it still brings awareness to the kaw community. Thank you for your reply
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* There have been threads like this, for this cause, to bring awareness and ask kaw to do a donation event thing. They have already seen it. The only thing you're soon right now is beating a dead horse and taking up space on forums. Have you donated? Have you contacted local places about making a donation on the behalf of Nepal? There are other things you can do to help that doesn't involved suggesting an unoriginal, previously suggested multiple times, idea.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* I just dont like the idea of requesting that they do it. If ata feels like they should then so be it, but MOST of those that want it dont care about the Nepalese people or whoever the request is for at the time..... They just want free crap. If your request was, say, open a donation button and not asking for discounts or etc, then I would support
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* 250,000 homeless n today 7.3magninute again and about donation dev don't give a daaam about it cause only 5-10 players from nepal play kaw and as far as I know from past 5 years only 1 guys active till now and if this incident have hit Singapore instead of nepal there would be donation event etc etc cause kaw is business donating on nepal gives kaw nothing and about donations you can donate through other sources forget about kaw. Thank you for your posts about nepal but it's useless here.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* No rewards needed. If you want to help the cause then donate.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* Sir Aydens first post to help Nepal was him asking the Devs to help Nepal and it was the basic request. Players buy xstals/nobility. Devs match the money made and donate it to help the victims. It eventually sunk. He made it this way in hopes to get more supports so that the Devs would be more inclined to oblige. I know Sir Ayden well. He isn't looking to advance himself on the backs of the damned. He just wants to help the broken.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* I am an old player, I don't care about being "popular" or Vk or who has the most forum posts or anything of the sort. Yes I have donated through other venues to the people of Nepal (I would post the link but it is against TOU) This thread is strictly to gain support from those who play and hopefully show the devs that we, as a community, want to help our fellow people. Feel free to trash talk my wall or hit me if you really feel the need. But please stop distracting from the issue at hand. A lot of people need help and we have the ability to do it.
Re: *Official Petition For Nepal Donation Event* Well said, SirAyden support your views. I donated in real life but would not mind an event to support the people of Nepal