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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. (Haven't played in like 2 years)
    So I have a level 3 colony, and was wondering if I should upgrade it to level 4 or just work on gettin more colonies to level 3.
  2. upgrade to lv4 as last. most crappy upgrade you can possibly get
  3. You'd be better off moving onto HF or upgrading the rest of your stuff in the HL to Lvl 3 before thinking about upgrading them to Lvl 4
  4. Noobs answering questions thinking they can be vk, lololol
  5. How much total is it to buy and upgrade a SOS to lvl3
  6. or, people just enjoy being nice :roll:
  7. Upgrading to level 4 highland actually drops plunder instead of increasing plunder, working on upgrading others to level 3 would be a good idea.
  8. If I recall correctly about 14b
  9. Can someone bump bb codes thread
  10. Ml is still working. WALL saveme for help
  11. RPL does work as well as mmi tho I can't remember their walls.
  12. Someone salty? :^)
  13. Mercs Legion and Roman Praetorian Legion are both still active. Their walls are saveme and helpsaveus, respectively. There are others, but aside from MMI (I don't know their wall) those are the only two worth walling for help.
  14. What exactly is sh? How does it differ from ps1, and what are the pros and cons of each?
  15. A sh is quite possibly the worst build ever.
    But, I'll tell you about it anyway
    A sh is a HLBC build with one stable, and every other building an SoS. It is small, and virtually useless without allies. Its only pros is that it plunders players. Hard. And when hit back, offers next to nothing in pay.
    Now on to the PS1.
    First, worst. System. Ever. N64 easily trumps it as top console. Those things were virtually indestructible. If Nokia had partnered with Nintendo during that time they'd have ruled the world. Couple that with the two greatest games ever, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and you have the greatest console in the history of creation.
  16. Ps2 was great though. Very portable. Ps1 build?
  17. PS2 was amazing. Soulcalibur all day.
    The PS1 build is a misnomer. It stands for Pure Spy 1, which consists of one attack building, something on lowlands usually, and the rest of your build as maxed spy buildings. However, once you add that attack building the "pure" part of pure spy is gone and you become a Hansel. Which is why I didn't acknowledge the term PS1.
  18. Yea this I know. What about pros and cons to each
  19. Pros to Sh: Plunders foes, doesn't return much.
    With appropriate BFA can hit far outside their usual hit range.
    With war equip, can easily wreck tiny accounts to boost ego.
    Great for EE
    Con's for Sh: Everyone except sh will despise you.
    Low stats
    Without bfa, useless in ee.
    They suck
    Pros for PS1(Hansel): High spy stats
    Rumored to have increased eb drop rates
    Good plunder on ebs
    High spy stats means good for stealing and assassins, perfect in ee and osw
    Great pay on eb steal bars
    Cons for PS1(Hansel): Low attack means high fail rate on top tier ebs
    With ADP, plunders high in war
    Likely to be scouted hard in ee, which is basically slowly tearing the cannon off a tank.
  20. So ps1 kind of sucks for eb but is awesome in wars? And what's ADP?