My (Semi)Retirement Thread

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by catschrodinger, May 10, 2015.

  1. Hello everyone, just a disclaimer, I do not intend on resetting, so everyone who says "SS or BS" will kindly be asked to leave this thread.

    On topic though, after my long 3 years of bouncing from account to account, I have finally decided to cease playing this game.

    Some backstory,

    It was early 2012 when I had first recieved my iPod Touch 4G. I was looking for a game to play besides CoC, and stumbled across Kingdoms at War. Being curious, I decided to download the app.

    I first went by "thebla100" and joined a clan named "Hardcore Alliance", led by a great leader named Aari. She helped guide me through my first steps in KaW, and I got into the game quicker than I thought.

    After that, I changed my name to JaCkSoN--UNLEASHEDZX__SuRgE, and this was the point where I first posted on forums. If you remember from that far back, props to you.

    However, when I moved from my old house to my new one, I lost my iPod touch and my old account because I hadn't linked it to ATA. It was mid 2013 and my mom decided to buy me an iPhone since I was just starting middle school. I waited before I re-downloaded KaW and became Protean_Froakie.

    When I came back into HA, I discovered that Aari had passed away, and the clan had fallen into obscurity. I went around from clan to clan during this period, then deleted the app because I was tired of it.

    The next time I played KaW was October 2014, right after my Bar Mitzvah. I had just gotten my new iPad Air 2 and decided to re-download KaW once more. I still had access to Protean_Froakie, and stumbled upon a subclan of Mystic Misfits. I immediately joined and began growing again.

    In January 2015, I decided to make an alt known as MM-_-x-_Devon_-x-_-MM. That account is the one I'm using presently, under this username, since I have totally lost access to MM-Protean_Froakie-MM.

    I began to slowly lose motivation to play KaW starting in February, and now, I have decided to put down my keyboard and stop playing KaW for good.

    I would like to thank everyone who I have met for a wonderful experience in KaW! You will not be forgotten!

    I would also like to thank the leaders in Mystic Misfits for helping me get a new start.

    And finally, I would like to thank the remaining warriors of Hardcore Alliance spread out across the KaWmunity. If you see this thread, this is a thank you to all of you for first helping me get into the game.

    This is goodbye. Farewell KaW!


    (I will pop in every so often, so watch out for me.)
  2. It was good to have you while you were here. You and your threads will be missed. Farewell.
  3. Lol one less idiot in kaw
  4. Bye, kinda saw u around but not much lol bai
  5. See ya later Jackson. Hope to catch you around sometime.
    (Does this mean I win our 1v1?)
  6. Ss or bs
  7. Really omar? You expect an ss of him deciding to play less... Some people are just idiots I guess.
  8. Damn, yet another great forumer gone๎„ˆ. Take it easy. ๎€‘
  9. He put it out there to say..
  10. Enjoy RL my friend. Take care ๎€
  11. Good luck on real life, MM-JaCkSoN-MM! I will never forget the golden thread of dedication you have made for me!

    Remember, always be happy!
  12. Ss or bs. Thanks for the life story btw
  13. See ya, dude.
  14. Who are you?
  15. Kind of hypocrisy when the idiot calls another person an idiot, don't you think? :lol:

    I'm on for a little bit today, then my visits become more scarce. Come say hi! :D
  16. Good luck and have fun out there. Never knew you personally but I've noticed you around before. See ya.
  17. ... so you made a banner guide and left? Doesn't really make sense
  18. I will have the app on my device, so wall me or shoot me a PM if the guide needs updating and I'll be happy to fix it. :)