If a clan has already unlocked an eb, but has never ran that eb's BR counterpart, does that BR drop normally or does it have the unlock bonus also? Also, if a clan has not unlocked a reg eb, can it be ran as a BR? Or will the game give a different option instead?
Never heard of a special unlock bonus from an official side so far, that's just a myth in my opinion. Unlocking an eb sees more drops because it tends to have more participants missing its equipment. A good question if the BR only unlocks if the regular eb is unlocked. At a first sight it doesn't seem so, both seem not coupled. Which would also mean that you can't do the BR version to unlock the next eb in the series.
BR is a seperate entity to the series. You can do whichever BR that is available regardless of its regular counterpart being unlocked or not. As for colony level 3, it will sell for 10% of the gold put into it.
It depends on the war. Round or indi a ps is best Primal most clans want a ps1/true hansel, while you may get lucky with a actual hansel build most want a ps1.
Hey all, I know this might be a nooby question that's meant for wc but I've already posted with no replied so gonna resort the forums. What are some successful and popular merc clans?
ML and RPL were the biggest last I checked. Then again the last time I heard about them was there "osw" :lol: What was that, like almost 2 years ago?
Right now there isnt really a biggest. Almost none that still do that work. Best to stay within your reach, rather than go beyond atm.