Kingdoms at War Poster Winners

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 8, 2015.

  1. Oh the inc I've been giving for days? Lovely how you take inc for days, as per the post asking why on my wall, and assume it's because of a post you made hours ago. The logic

  2. Lol seriously I love all the poor guys on here who think all I do is game and have no life, friends or girlfriend. At the end of the day I have it pretty great, sure I'm not rich but I have a great life. If you guys are annoyed because of it sure try and put me down but it won't work. My advice for you guys is to simply find someone for you who cares about you, the real you and not an act you have to put on.
  3. Thanks dr Phil, I'll take that advice to heart 
  4. Just kiss already
  5. Well Skezzer we don't want to settle for fat chicks like you do. Sure they are good for when you are drunk but to wife it up....
  6. He's not my type :p he seems to like me though
  7. Or not like you, judging by the inc

    Again with the logic...
  8. This isn't even fun to watch.
  9. I like you... And your nerdy posters 
  10. I don't have any nerdy posters ;)
  11. Mom won't allow you to tack posters on her wall?
  12. I like how it's gone from living with gf to living with parents and I don't like posters on the wall however the Kaw poster would have been a nice souvenir.

  13. Like paint drying
  14. That actually looks more fun than this.
  15. Wouldn't even let me enter some kinda bug I suppose
  16. Some of these ignorant comments do make me lol though.

    That whole paragraph actually, considering its pulled out of his ass and isn't based on any actual fact whatsoever.

    These guys that are sitting here playing the exact same game they accuse others of not getting any action over. :lol:

    Instead of trying to be the funniest herpaderp idiot with the lamest comments, why don't you guys proof read first, because all your comments do is make you sound like uneducated, ignorant asshats.
  17. So let me get this right the prize was a poster or was that just for the losers. i guess that'd a conundrum isn't it.
  18. Who all who won would be interested in joining a clan called "Poster Winners"

    Poster Winners only, of course.
  19. lol. Thats a funny twist right there!
  20. Congrats all winners! :)