New Study - Corruption in America: Confirmed

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, May 9, 2015.

  1. Common core was written by a teacher in Maryland that teaches at a 90% white school and that school does not use common core it was supposed to make the "white privlage kids" fail while making the black kids gain confidence but instead it has actually dumbed everyone down
  2. Cheese, c'mon.... Don't tell me until now you was thinking that politicians wants to reach to Senate, Congress or Oval office for the salary.
  3. Norway. Every citizen is a millionaire. Government put all money from taxes on oil on a fund where every citizen is a shareholder.
  4. France:
    Up to 27k euro/year the tax is 14%. And increase progressively to 45% for income higher than 150k euro/year. And France is doing quite good: 5th world economy.
  5. This sounds cool. But there's a little problem. #4 (Big business) outsourced most of jobs long time ago. Basically government give tax breaks for companies who create jobs in Mexico, China, India, etc.
  6. This will get better in USA only when people will be educated enough to make the difference between socialism and communism. When people will understand that socialism is not a break for private initiative. Until then rich people will become richer and poor people will become more poor. Sure one might say that its natural selection and only strong people survive. That's true: in the jungle. I like to think human specie evolved from apes stages and we are not animals anymore.
  7. @firehawk. OK you say how can you justify taking from someone (rich person) b3cause they earned it. First of my perception of wetter they earned or deserved it prob is dif than yours. Second it can't be justified from the rich or the poor. So neither should have their pockets stolen from. But you hit the nail on the head when you said being stolen from. Now the rich top%1 pay almost zero bout 5%in taxes poor to middle class pay between if we all gonna be stolen from I say the rich shouldn't be exempt through statues which aren't actually laws ,their made to break constitutional law. So should anyone be taxed on what they earn no. Should rich pay a =% of taxes as poor if we must be taxed yes.3rd are you rich cause seems the idea of taxing the rich bothers you more than taxing the poor. 4th paper money has no intrinsic value so wtf people if we all say it's worthless it will be .I say the same thing the gov does . I will protect myself from any enemy foriegn or domestic. Seems we ve got domestic enemies uh oh lol
  8. @dog757
    You are exactly right

    And that's why I'm buying silver 
  9. Haha funny. Me to silver,gold , ammunition. I'm not buying the ammunition to use in a doomsday type event either. I'm buying it because it will be rare in the future public place. Just my assumption anyways.
  10. I'm learning German and moving there when i turn 18. Guten tag!
  11. Here's the thing. America is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. If the government is corrupt, you've got nobody to blame but yourself.

    Yes, rich people have a lot more influence because they can buy politicians. But they only get one vote, just like everyone else. Ten percent of the people aren't electing anyone. It takes a majority. It takes people who are too lazy and/or stupid to pay attention to what's going on.

    If you spend more time playing KaW than you do learning about issues, you're part of the problem. If you know who's on the leader board, but don't know who your elected representatives are, you're part of the problem. If you post in the forum, but have never emailed your elected representative, you're part of the problem. If you know all about how builds work, but don't know how Congress works, you're part of the problem.

    We live in age of instant information access. You can learn everything you need to know about almost anything while sitting on your couch. If the government is corrupt, or the government doesn't work the way it should, don't blame the politicians. Blame yourself.
  12. Black Dragon is 100% right. If you have a problem do something about it. We live in an age of entitlement. Because one person has something, everyone thinks they should have it too. No. Work hard and stop asking for handouts and this "corruption" will go away. Life's not fair and it shouldn't be. There are so many damn other benefits for lower income, to complain about tax breaks is ridiculous. And although the rich may get a tax break, I would bet the 10% you mention pay more taxes than everyone else combined. Because I work hard and bust my ass, my money should be given to some lazy ass on welfare who takes advantage of the system? Hell no. It pisses me off when I see a married couple with no jobs between the two of them having a second or third kid. I shouldn't have to pay for their kid. They should make better decisions.
  13. We used to have campaign finance laws and regulations that could limit the influence of money in politics.

    If you cheered for the Citizens United case, and continually re-elect politicians who campaign against finance regulations, you have no right to complain that the super-rich have such control over the country.
  14. @ Mussy

    You probably aren't going to like this then. Welfare spending is mostly a dog whistle politicians use to distract you from other issues.

    Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) or what's usually called welfare, isn't our problem. The federal budget for TANF last year was about $17.3 billion. That's about 0.7% of the budget. That's peanuts. But politicians use it to get people all worked up about "lazy" people getting free money from your hard earned tax dollars. They don't tell you that people on TANF have work requirements, or have to be in job training. They don't tell you that there's a life time limit on benefits, or a cap on how much you can get.

    Meanwhile, companies and people shifting profits and income offshore are cheating the government out of $100 billion in tax revenue a year, every year. To make matters worse, the IRS budget keeps getting cut, so they have less resources to go after tax cheats. Why do we cut the budget of the agency that collects the funds to pay for everything? Because rich people pay politicians a lot of money to tell you that the IRS is the enemy, and the smaller it is, the better off you'll be.

    Same goes for Medicare. Medicare fraud costs us over $60 billion every year. But we won't hire more people to investigate and go after doctors and providers that cheat the system, even though catching the crooks will more than pay the costs of the hires. Why? Because once again, that's "growing government" and that's "bad".

    Wealthy people love less regulations and small weak government for the same reason crooks like less laws and fewer cops. It makes it easier to steal. And they pay politicians to con people into giving it to them.
  15. Ever heard of Quid-pro-pro? Politician does a favor for lawmaker, lawmaker puts a benefit for politician in the new law. That is basically bribery in a sense. And it's all capitalism workin it's gears
  16. Dragon - while I agree with you on your most recent post, I have to disagree about your former post.

    Although access to information is at an all time high and easier and cheaper than ever, you're missing a key ingredient as to why people aren't voting in an informed fashion - it's the very reason we have corruption and where most of the campaign contributions go - it's called media influence.

    Most Americans aren't researching this because they're incapable of thinking critically. I could probably write a thesis about why I believe that to be true, but I'm sure you can agree that enough anecdotal evidence shows that aside from wondering what Kim karsashian's ass is made of, most Americans are not very inquisitive, let alone self-aware.

    Americans vote the way the media tells them to, not because they agree, but because they literally lack the mental capacity to think otherwise. And as long as political advertising is legal, and the right politicians have influence over news coverage of their activities and policies, most Americans will never even realize that there's an alternative way of thinking about politics.
  17. Well put cheese. But does the vote even matter is the real question. Are these people predetermined to make office is what I wonder. I also wonder if all parties go down dif paths to get to same destination. I vote ron paul but he isn't running this time . And I do believe he is for the people unfortunately he's been media black balled and our best candidate in my opinion
  18. Lol @ people still thinking they only get one vote. I remember seeing my grandma's name on the registor's list last election and she checked in from beyond the grave.
  19. The media will black ball anyone who threatens their establishment. With a Paul government in office, crime, poverty, unemployment, and war all go down, which in turn means fewer news stories to sell to advertisers.

    Politicians are put in office by the money they "earn" from campaign contributions. There's no conspiracy or election rigging happening. Corporations are simply using the tools they have at their disposal to manipulate the ignorant, uneducated public. And the media keeps us that way by design.

    But there's hope. If everyone reading this thread calls their politicians asking them to do something about this and also sends the Princeton study I just posted to the media, they'll report it in the news. Why? Not because it's the right thing to do, but because it's a scandal - and scandals sell.