I have recently come back to playing KaW after about a year of being inactive, and I must say I love that the new players get a volley right from the start! Many of you know this presents a but of a problem a little bit further into the game for them; they can't afford allies. Introducing... Ally Bots: Quite simply Ally bots are non-player allies that fill the massive price gap between starter accounts pre and post WC volley. Any of you that still remember the tutorial will remember the three allies you can choose from to teach you the ally system. Ideally there will be these type of allies at different price ranges between 100k to 900mil to help beginners start with their ally bonus and not have to save up one bil just to start playing the game effectively. Edit: As BeyondX suggested there could be a system in place where it is an ally market exclusively for new players. They can opt out of this system by buying a regular account as an ally and the bot ally store would close to them. Note: I'm not sure if this is possible but any support/criticism is much appreciated.
I dont like the idea bc im assuming they cant b bought from the player. Well then how do u fully strip a player in osw. No support. Now on the other hand i do c what ur saying n it is a problem. I belive instead devs should give all new accts a plunder bonus that keeps them at max plunder---only for 1st 2 weeks. Think thats not a big ask from devs n will make everyone happy
This is such a good idea. Each player could be given ally to start off and that ally only goes away when you buy your first ally.
Shut up you stupid noob do you really think a new player will just join an off system war? And anyways
I like the idea of only being able to have these before you buy an actual account as an ally, adding it to the main post!
It would happen as now...its better that new players have max plunder during a time...if you put ally bots,they will up to 10b as happens now with new players volleys,its what have kaw inflation...
I just think this is a noobs cry for not having a mp ally. It's like no one is even looking at ally prices :roll: there isn't a storage of allies within the ally shop, never have it seen any people starting the game complain about not holding allies. Go around some of the starter clans and see for yourself, they have practically no game knowledge and they only thing they care about is unloading so quick on a warbeasts that they get bacon. But lets just forget about the major head start they get with a 20-50bil volley getting them 100-500mil and lets just forget about the fact without this head start it would take them months. Hardly think 2-3 days to get a decent ally is something to cry about when it would take them a week to even get the same amount what the volley gives them. ( just for the idiots volley is the reason why "people can't get ally below 1bil" ( that last part is not true anyways you can get allies below 1 bil )) TLDR ? Bacon is better served with BBQ source
Today I saw a newbie in wc asking the following question: How do I buy an ally? The poor guy had a few millions spare cash after building his first forges and guilds and someone advised him (correctly) on his wall to buy some ally. There was none to be found though... A few hours later, that newbie still has no ally... Do you really think that the solution is walling him with an explanation that the ally market totally dried up and that it will be fine once he has a billion in cash? Not sure... I really think this issue needs a fix, and be it only to pair the newbie spell with an mp spell. Or how about having lowland buildings needing no allies for their mp payout? Or an mp spell that gets cancelled at the first HL land/castle lvl2 upgrade/insert whatever?