Seriously? This is annoying. I'm about 16mil cs. That's not much, and I'm in this clan alone. That kinda depressing. My clan is 702 on the strength LB. I'm starting to wonder whether or not KaW retains any of it's new players.
According to old published retention rates, once new players reach 30 days that is when they are retained.
Ally market leads to low retention because of how much it sucks to get one. Also, 16mcs is pretty big. With lowlands only I bet there is a few clans that has 20-80 members that does not total up to your cs
Been out recruiting tonight. Saw small players (under 2m) with SS and TS equip. Seems there may be some expectation that anyone should be able to hit any eb. Inappropriately sized players relative to the eb level leads to not helping to eb finish, and frustration at not being able to hit. The noobs clans are out there. Where are the players that would benefit from smaller ebs? Letting a small player into a big eb helps no one.
I'd teach a ton when I can...not like I've done it before or anything, but time is a factor, and I'd need a fully committed admin team with me...very tough goal to accomplish in a few weeks.