Request to remove round wars & alter primal wars.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ISI-IOI-IRI-IAI, May 8, 2015.

  1. Since primals are the main war type now, can we please just remove round wars & allow us to use BFE in primals?

    I understand the removal of BFA in primal wars & completely agree with it, but I find it really silly that we do primal wars for equip that we cannot use in primals.

    Little to no clans sign up for round wars (aside from a few select all sh/ssh or ssh/lb clans that just cause mismatches if they even match) anyway.

    I'd even be fine with making indi wars use the same rules as primals so that everyone can be used to 1 war type & 100 man indis don't just come down to who has the bigger lbers.
  2. support!
    *sora give this build some wars too (-.-)
  3. Re: Request to remove round wars

  4. Re: Request to remove round wars

    Hell no. If bfe was included I'd get smashed again. Pure stats only is rather ideal for most tank type builds.
  5. Re: Request to remove round wars

    Not sure I agree with the premise...stats vs. stats seems like a good measure, but the point of primals is stats v stats.

    BFE came about as a way to combat BFA. If you battle for equip in war...use it in pvp, not to hit HtE or complain that you're not getting anything from the sys wars.

    Not sure about what you're aiming for, OP.
  6. Re: Request to remove round wars

    Support. Destroy those ssh once and for all.
  7. Round needs to go and lb players can do individual wars too. Round wars are about stacking.
  8. Re: Request to remove round wars

  9. Support for removing round wars.

    Adding BFE back sounds like fun but raises the concern that it will increase exclusivity of primals as clans only roster full BFE. The last thing clan wars need is a further decrease in participation or concentration of power to the few remaining heavily active EE lb clans.
  10. Re: Request to remove round wars

    Support but u have to realize round wars came back bc the huge lb complained. So devs put back so lb can keep their ee w very little effort. Like usual supporting spenders not the body so round wars arent going anywhere. But i support their removal none the less️
  11. Re: Request to remove round wars

    It was Harb that had the issue and went on a big forum rant about it, I'm sure he isn't worried about round wars these days.
  12. Re: Request to remove round wars

    Little to no round war matches even occur. Most you will see is PvP Beasts or Raider's Oasis (With all sh/ssh and maybe 1-2 LBers) match a roster that was thrown together in world chat, always a mis-match, and rarely even see a match happen.
  13. Just run round wars and primal wars in the same slot -- if ata can't code something that simplistic... Well yeah.

    No need for bfe in primal wars, keep it simple for matching.
  14. Re: Request to remove round wars

    The whole idea of primals is build vs Build I understand where you are coming from but I personally think it would be best to keep bfe out
  15. Re: Request to remove round wars

    Gotta put equip to use Swift
  16. Equipment is a reward for warring it doesn't mean it has to be used in wars. If you want to use the equipment go do indi.
  17. Re: Request to remove round wars

    Makes sense to wear and use equip in war. Idk we used equip in war for 3-4 seasons. Bit late to say equip not needed in war
  18. Re: Request to remove round wars

    Then go do an indy scrub
  19. Re: Request to remove round wars

    Indi is for noobs like you that arent primal ready 
  20. Re: Request to remove round wars

    So your build is so bad you need to petition for devs to give you bfe bonus to help, I see