Evolving EE

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Oxyr, May 6, 2015.

  1. No because then it becomes closer to being round wars and we know how popular they are.
  2. Well if it were a max of 5 or something per clan... Then the 5 studs would team up with some duds to make even
  4. Support.

    I realize these ideas may be somewhat difficult to implement but honestly the expansion of new lands and giant increase in stats lately have destroyed the game for me. I'm not an eb fairy. I like to war against real people. EE was my niche for a long time, as my eq will show. OSW is fun too, though lately most of the opponents my size are inactive. I can't spend much money on the game so I'll be small pretty much forever. I honestly feel as if after 3 years of daily play, I've been left behind by the developers I've supported for so long.

    Indy wars were decent when they started. But now, the talented, experienced warriors in my bracket have grown, leaving less experienced warriors in their place. In general most are not built for war. At least 1/3 do not bring xtals in war. And in -EVERY- indy I have done recently -someone- had an account on both teams and intentionally leaked to our opps. Devs do not care about the cheaters, obviously, so I really have no desire to waste 2 hours of my life and a buck I could use elsewhere.

    Primals started decent- maybe because there were so many clans doing them, maybe because there were real rewards. Even still when I was running a small clan I was constantly being matched with clans as much as 300 mil bigger than mine. Now that's just normal and expected, so most of my friends and clanmates have no desire to do primals at all anymore. We are talented in EE but how many times can you be matched against a similar roster which is twice your size before you decide to stop wasting your time.

    Contrast this as Fonz said. My kids asked me to try a game they're playing. It's a multi-user game, there's an option to buy in, but, without spending a single penny, I have built my account from level 1 to level 100, I can play successfully in all tiers of the game and, most of all, it's FUN. All this in less than 4 months.

    So. I'm holding out here only because I love my family, and the great friends I've made, and I'm really hoping that the Devs will do something to make the game worthwhile for me and the other small mids out there. Fonzy's suggestions could help a lot.

    I'm losing hope though.
  5. 100% agree and support
  6. Support IF you also have the option to stick with existing build as well.
  7. One of the most quality threads that I have read in a very long time. I support your efforts fully Fonz.

    I see many familiar faces from the many threads that have been produced by myself and many others over the last 2 years

    This community has many quality people that have tried to help the devs with many quality thoughts and ideas over the same time span.

    I sincerely hope that this thread does not fall on deaf ears (or blind eyes for that matter) like every other thread regarding this topic has in the past.

    I do not Kaw with the same effort and enthusiasm that I used to. Primarily due to the EE issues that have been brought forward so many times before.

    This a quality thread with top notch ideas from many people. I would hope that this gets the recognition it deserves instead of the introduction of a new game banner.
  8. I suggested something similar about a year or so ago when they were actively asking for ideas and was generally ignored so hope this gets some traction.

    Each team should have equal stats and therefore it's down to the skill of the players and wc and not the stats.

    Having the ability to pick your style of play for the war makes lots of sense (I only suggested 3 options spy, attack or hybrid, but with towers etc can see the value if others).

    Whilst those who have EE and bfe may not like losing it, they still have it for pvp/osw, just loses it's value for EE.

    Not convinced anything will happen though.
  9. Support. 
  10. To solve this problem, maybe for each war you win you get a minuscule stat boost. Naturally, these would carry over from previous wars before the change.
  11. Always supporting the Fonz... Even if you don't agree... Guy knows what he's talking about.
  12. Happy Dayz.
    Support for Fonz
  13. Full support. Nice thought bro fonzy
  14. I think it is a good idea, but there is still room for problems. Off the top of my head, trolls can make starless accounts and go into wars and screw them up for anyone. I know currently this happens but mainly in the small brackets.

    Slightly borrowing from Clash, I think a war base would be nice to have if they are going o implement changes. In your war base you are given X amount of gold to build on. Unlike clash it would be a completely separate from the main base. Perhaps with a system like this say you get enough to build lvl 1 of everything on the lands (whether it's one lvl of lands or 3-4 whatever). As you win wars you receive 'War gold'. This war gold can only be used in the war base. As time goes on the top warriors will be an upper tier and warring with strong people. Any noob can start at the bottom rung and slowly work themselves up.

    I would be tempted to add a monitoring system for people who war at the bottom rung and never advance that they could potentially be removed from wars for intentionally sabotaging wars, but I know I've lost my fair share of indis in a row. (Holy long sentence batman)

    Anyways - yes I think something needs to be changed where beginners can join in wars
  15. Fonzy, you are the man. I wish they would do this. I honestly have lost faith in ata, this coming from a person with hundreds upon hundreds of ee wars under my belt.

    I am Glad to hear you out here trying to get ideas stirring. that's why your a boss.
  16. It all looks well thought out, but it seems like a lot of changes. Two ideas to easily change ee or increase participation.
    1) clan wars: each clan build up their rosters as they like... Stacking with whatever builds they want, but accounts that couldn't get into a clan are thrown into clans for war clans. ((( kinda like a mix of clan wars and indi)))
    2) make seals and/or xtals purchasable with mith earned from wars. 2 or 3 wins worth would be great incentive to go out and participate
  17. Support Fonzy bro
  18. I think I understand...
    World of Tanks joins same teir tanks (up to 2 teir diff) together...

    Basically same? I would like to have like 15 min wars with 5 ppl vs 5 ppl ect....

    Might be fun, seeing 1,3,5 on lb against 2,4,6 lol
  19. Love the idea fonz!