[iOS/Android] New Update Available!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 6, 2015.

  1. im glad im not the only one ;) i just downloaded an older version of kaw, seems easier

  2. Statless alt?
  3. well this new layout has been introduced now: OMFG are you related to those Kardasians?????? my god this looks like crap!. looks like a fat induced kardasian huge butt. and no: running a self induced marketing compain..... isnt the way. roflmao (get it ? ....ao )
  4. Ready for t8 plz and ty. Tr1 and i are bored
  5. Statless or not this doesn't change the fact your question was dumb.
  6. Why was my question dumb? Beta kaw has been getting updated a few times since it was released to testers, was asking if this would be included as otherwise it's pretty much identical to normal kaw
  7. Not a dumb question at all! The beta build is intended primarily for stability testing, not feature testing. That means that by simply playing in the beta build you are helping us diagnose stability issues.

    Everyone will get to see the event page next week ;)
  8. Downloaded it yesterday. Looks good Devs
  9. What you get is not an update but a totally new build. Asking or waiting for an update for a beta build via App/Play Store is dumb. Only official builds are getting updates via App/Play store. Beta builds are not official.

    If you want the new update, and you wouldn't be dumb, you'd knew that all you have to do is to uninstall the beta build and head to App/Google Play Store and reinstall KaW via official channels.

    Now I made you smarter. You owe me something.
  10. there are no dumb questions, those who have questions and don't ask them are dumb
  11. Actually beta kaw was updated, not via AppStore but via the weblink provided to beta testers in the emails we were sent. I suggest next time before criticising people on topics you have no clue about, you think before posting.
  12. this makes me wish i was a beta tester even more :(
  13. Can't you make the difference between an update and a new build?
  14. if you give something a new build, it is an update to the app
  15. When you get an update via App/Google Play Store only necessary files are downloaded. Beta test versions are complete builds that must be downloaded and sideloaded.
  16. No, if it was a new version/build whatever you would need to re-login. But as its only an update you stay logged in, like when updating normal kaw
  17. This is what the third time it's changed in what 5-6years?
  18. Whatever the event is...dropping crux chests and spyglasses would be a welcome inclusion ️