Ideas or comments on KAW's new look!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by REY-Jedi, May 7, 2015.

  1. I'm still trying to figure out how the new loading screen helps game play considering it only appears for a couple of sec's.With this account i'm having trouble logging in 4.2.2 droid all i get is a spinner n need to return and hit the KAW app icon again to get the clan pge.
  2. Always so hard to impress, eh?
  3. No the devs just aren't impressive
  4. This "number one pvp" app hasn't had the pvp system updated in 5 years.
  5. No. I probably just need to adjust my expectations.
  6. kaw icon is terrible, picture inside icon is too big ... and incomplete; better colours and icon were before

    splash screen looks cool
  7. I married a ginger. They do more than steal your soul. Trust me.

    Oh and this new look is so awesome. I quit KAW.

    *closes book on 4 year KAWreer*
  8. What's on the 20th 
  9. Hipster Arkosa, wearing glasses before they were even a thing
  10. The banter king is here.
  11. Lmao she is the queen hipster, being a hipster before being a hipster was "a thing"
  12. Um actually...
    (Let me put on my nerd hat)
    There have been mentions of objects that 'improve the sight' before even the fall of the Roman Empire in the area around 200-300 A.D.

    Get rekt kaw_community.
  13. I updated the game but its just the pic that change nothing happened why is that and i like the old chik instead of the new one