I am crushing this EB. Just like i crushed Spragga. Stop crying and spend your cash and you can all hit these EB and give the devs a nice summer vacation on ATAs new yacht.
@bandit, no point in quoting a quote chain when the post I'm replying to is just a couple posts above mine. Just helps to not clutter up the thread as much.
Hitting in succesfully is quite difficult so far, but hey let's be positive and see it as a nice clan effort challenge! For those who aren't big enough, me kinda included, keep growing and you'll be able to finish it too someday.
@ all the players that whine about s5, you do know that war development and eb development are two separate teams right? They can work on both at the same time, I just hope they take this long to add some new exciting rewards to s5. on topic - Eb looks nice, impressive looks on the equipment.
Devs don't have development teams. They have a copy and paste button and then edit the pictures and script for new ebs.
This is the point. Everyone thinks KaW will die because growing stats means nothing already. Now this new massive badass EB got released and yet you complain it would take months to grow? Where were you last month? And now you saying kaw is dieing because its hard to catch up, the problem is only a few people can catch up w/o paying real money hitting EB that were released in the past pays good and all you do is whine about it.
Last month I was trying to get gold to grow, takes 2-3 days to get an upgrade that only gives around 50k cs. Yippee...
If this eb is slightly easier to hit than ASOF then it would be worthwhile releasing now however 99% of the top kaw players don't hit the top ebs anyway. HTE b2b for them which is why if this is harder than ASOF this was too soon. If this is easier than ASOF but harder than AFF then it seems reasonable. Just my $0.02
Lol says kaw is repeating things and then demands a repeat war system. Awesome nothing better than noob saying one thing than does the other.
Can you do something for the mids of KaW so we have a chance of catching up? How about slightly increasing the plunder in the EB tiers lower than the Jorathe series so we could grow at a decent speed?
Just checking in and the Devs are still giving the finger to the vast majority of the players. Nothing to see here. Anyone who defends the Devs decisions recently should attempt the "Will it Blend Challenge" with their fingers.
Yeah there is, play for another year. These older players didn't play kaw for 5+ years for nothing you know.
I also feel this eb was released to soon. Our clan stays atm in the 70-100 range on the clan lb and we are not strong enough to hit the Asof as a clan. And when Ive looked only clans in the top 10 lb are doing the Asof eb as well. So its very discouraging for someone like myself that is in a clan working hard to build as a clan when these ebs are out and just intice our bigger member or even guest to want to run off to the top lb clans so they have opportunity to get new equipment and better plunder and who could blame them. So I do agree this was released prematurily imo. I think those top lb clans running asof did have something else to work on as well btw with the new scragg eb. Anyways, as this is already released my opinion is just that. Sorry but disappointed that another eb is released that our clan probably wont be able to run for a good while so I dont think this promotes clan loyality but is another thing to pull apart clans are not top lb for losing their bigger members. Which I do hope Im wrong!