Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Rep, May 6, 2015.

  1. Hello Everyone..This Is My First Thread..So Please Excuse Me If I Make Any Mistakes With BB Codes Or Any Stuff..

    So Now..Lets Begin-


    What Does It Actually Mean ??

    Basically It will be a tab under "Clan>Clan Events>Epic Battles" which displays the list of all Epic Battles as well as the blood rains..

    When You Click On a particular epic battle-All The Clans Which Are Running That Particular Epic Battle Will Be Displayed On the basis of starting time..
    The Clans Which will be visible in this list will be the ones with less than 100 members & with Join Requests Enabled..

    Now You Ask Whats The Need Of This ?

    1) This Will Just Advance Up The Game Technologically

    2) Will Make the process of Clan Finding Easier

    2) A Very Easy Way To explore what epic battles are run the most & which are not..Which Can further Help Clans To do epic battles which aren't been done by a lot clans..

    4) I personally enjoy the game very much & would like it to be advanced & more popular..This Upgrade would make everything easier & will show That the devs are actually concerned about the game rather than just making money from events & HTE's..
    ^ Which In Turn Would Also encourage players to give new ideas they have (Most just think the devs won't listen & dont waste time making a thread )

    All Suggestions Welcome..
    If someone can make an even better thread with more ideas, they can do so (Just Make sure to give me the credit for the idea):D

    People Who dont support the idea Should not waste their time commenting "No Support" on this thread..

    **FOR MODS**
    If you guys feel this idea is good & if it gets enough support then please try to bring this into the notice of Devs..
  2. Damn! This Just Came Out Looking Awesome..Love It :)

    Please No Hate xD
  3. Just because you want the developers to respond to you does not mean they will. Interesting idea...? I guess
  5. It's a really good idea! Support! :D
  6. Hey you're that guy I farmed for PvP event items! Well, I think it was your alt --zontho.
  7. Yup psycho that was my alt..Was inactive on it mostly after the first few days..Glad To Have helped u :) lol
  8. This has been a requested feature for a long time.

    and as always... i support it.
  9. Disregarding the blatant needyness for validation ( might want to work on that lol); I like the idea. Current system to find clans running EBs is clunky.
  10. Support:) may could make Clan> Clan Events> Epic Battles link list the EBs (instead of clans) and then link from there the clans that are running them
  11. I would recommend changing the list to only show clans with open spots available and door not locked. It is very annoying scrolling through list to find an Eb you want then applying for clan only to get clan full or not accepting members message
  12. Suport
  14. Support! 
  15. Cool idea bro.keep it up
  16. Support yes and second blooms caveat