So are everyone in clan strength ranked 500- What about them, what new opportunities have they been given? EDIT: I do not mean to come off as an arrogant dick, nor mean to put you on the spot. Take it as light as possible I suppose... I just feel as others do, in the case as ALL new things happen to be for players that are in the top 1k overall, or top 15 clans.
Shouldn't that middle picture contain a helm not boots in the backdrop .... Would make more sense @kaw_community
lol devs answer on my post .... yes, but how many ppl in top clans who can do new epic? and how many ppl in clans that can't do it? That's the main question ....
The top clans have asof. Why satisify the top 5% all the time when you could satisfy 90% of the community. Also what about the smalls. They dont get to enjoy anything new.
So what KAW_community is actualy saying is: "we only NEED top clans and the rest can stuff themselves?? great we always suspected this, thnx for Finalllly admitting it.
My main is in 1 of those top clans, and I totally disagree with this eb.. how about making low ebs pay better, make early player experience better? Just my 2 cents..
Yeah idk who this is really for either ... The lb clans that would be able to do these ebs would have to stop running b2b htes first and possibly fall in lb rank doing so for new equip. Just ignore this and keep waiting for season to start to get better equip if that's what your after.