Out of all the events of today and the past year I have found that when you talk out towards the mods or Devs, no matter how positive or thought worthy that post is, that it will either be locked or graveyarded. I am not complaining about my post being locked and graveyarded. I will save my protest for support. But this is a word of advice, unless you are talking about shark EB's or kissing feet, make sure your prepare for an up hill battle. Anyways, thinks for the help everyone and stay vigilant. Today show as evidence of what we can do to make this game better. It also proves how challenging it can be. Fight to win. This thread is meant to discuss the grungy issues in KAW And with that, to push for said issues to be fixed. Do not break the TOU or name names. Save the names for support. Kaw Appologises This is a start but we need to push for more clarity. Simply pushing things under the rug is not working. Shark picture to distract the mods and devs
Is what it is man lol. All devs care abt after hte release is money n theyre gonna value those that pay over the rest. As for issue ur talkin abt today its same as them graveyarding anything to do w bans n war that went against eagle stand yet plenty of bias in eagle favor stood. Play and deal w it or quit. Personally im on the fence. My 2¢ good day kaw
I don't mind the Devs wanting money. It's a business. What I am mad about is have they handle things that will ultimately cost them money. Being underhanded and boasting heavy favoritism will only lead players, some who spend a lot of money, away and they will simply go to a new game. I want those problems resolved. It is time to mop the ground under this rug of lies.
I've been down this road. It's not easy to battle for what you believe, or to stand tall in the face of adversity. What you did today won't make friends Rusty, but you have my respect forever for your effort on this day. Cherry deserves a huge nod for (God knows why) still monitoring our old home. BMikes gets big ups for coming to me, and the unknown soldiers (yes, I know who you are) deserve credit for addressing the situation in short order. Foxes as a clan is influential...controversial, contradictory at times, and unbelievably frustrating. As a legacy to bear, it is much greater: the forumers and warriors who came before you, from St to Game to sholron, Colton, galan, runnybunny, our dear friend Odin who's speech is so jacked up after 2 strokes and a lifetime fighting for his life I can't say enough...LrdD...the ego makes the name look tiny...DeathMonkey, EvilCupcakes, Theris, krullian, blackwolf, LadyPamela, sese, wolf, Zarko, SnakeEye, EyeEye, BF, _azrael_, TROX, and so many more I can't think of in a short time. Seriously, I couldn't name many more atm, but those are the legends of Foxes to me, and preserving their legacy is big. Once a Fox, always a Fox. ️️FTF️️FTW️️F4L️️
It's not really the devs fault with the new ideas. More to do with players themselves. Op can only go so far when suggestion, bumping and keeping the thread updated with devs and changes. For example that thread I had made long ago detailing ideas for a pvp based event. It took hours to created it, and even longer to keep the thread updated with comments, ideas and support. Devs was updated with the info but after about a month it had only gained 180 supporters. Stupidly small since kaw is in the 100k strong of players. Devs only see facts n figures and that's a very low number. What we need is more player improvement within forums and less of these trolls trying to ruin these threads. But to create a idea thread I would suggest a few things to make it better. Name and introduction (basic idea) Explain the idea in detail, better if you example it like you're talking to a 9 year old. (more you explain the less likely you'll get a dumb ass comment) Add pictures and ONLY use colours n bb codes where needed. Makes the thread more edible for people to read and understand. (Would suggest only using bb codes for titles and notes) Add a suggestion part within the thread where you update with other people's suggestions, common questions about your idea. Add support list. Devs would like to see who has supported the thread. (This is the strongest point that devs want to see when you email them) Last thing to keep in mind just try to get friends n people in clan to keep thread up. But overall it's the players that can decide what gets added and improved. The more you troll or don't support the less likely that thing will get added or improved.
Kinda hard to see that 1mil even play this game... Specially when events are barely reaching showing anyone active.
I remember 800k active accounts with wc so fast you had to post in 3 sec after your friend so it didn't scroll by before he saw and answering or hitting at all meant you were out of the convo. While I like the expanded dialogue and folks actually able to speak to each other, I'm not sure I'm keen on the current landscape, but there are absolutely needs to be addressed.