Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 5 Events and Equipment

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kezzer, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 1 HTE

    Yes PvP events need more deterrents to drive people away from hitting alts and the first PvP event covered that nicely with the items being stealable.

    Also sam you say HTE is fair and I'm guessing you mean that everyone has access to it if they want to whereas OSF and alts are more exclusive for certain people.

    How would you go about including HTE in events then or would you include them at all?
  2. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 1 HTE

    For future events I'd like to have a seperate hte lb and reg eb lb, that way f2p players have something to stribe for as well.

    Other than that, devs need a way to fix pvp events. They become boring way too soon.
  3. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 1 HTE

    I have another event idea on the way regarding how HTE can fit in, be fair and still incorporate PvP of some kind. The event will have 3 paths, the path of the warrior (PvP) the path of the Lords (HTE) and the path of the Squire (PvE non HTE). Not going to go too much into this now as I want to get it all in writing but the main focus of this event will be that HTE and PvE are completely separate so those who want to do PvE do PvE and HTE is only rewarded by B2B HTE (money chance for devs ;)).

    The PvP would be slightly different to past PvP events and as to not allow OSF abuse I suggest that you may only sign up to the event if you have at least 1 troop and 1 spy build minimum. Yes ps would complain it isn't fair for them but for the best rewards you need both troops and spies. The catch with this is that once you opt in you may not opt out and that you can't sell or modify any buildings once you start.

    There will be more info than that when I actually sort the thread out but that is the general picture of it.
  4. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 1 HTE

    We can include hte , means hte only give one parts of items not all four part of items..... So lb ppl have to do different ebs to get all part of item in event 
  5. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 1 HTE

    First of all i dont like to exclude a certain build from an event. Forcing people to put up an att build can hurt osw maybe idk and what if you want to use a ps in ee.

    Furthermore, last event i stole from a 40mcs hansel with 0 spies who opened for us. So you would have to disable strip mechanics too if you want to fix the problem.
  6. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 2 KAW Direction

    Week 2 of Kezzer's thought for talk is now here :)

    Kaw growth direction

    This weeks topic is quite a controversial one as it has many different ways it can go. Do you the players of kaw feel that the devs will continue to release new lands and buildings indefinitely until kaw closes or do you think they will find another way for the players to push even higher?

    Remember to keep it on topic and most importantly have fun discussing it
  7. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 1 HTE

    I really don't see KaW closing anytime soon, so I wouldn't put a timeframe of new buildings or lands based on KaW's possible closing.

    ATA is still making "bank" off of this game and with the new update coming and hopefully a push in marketing, we'll start to see lots of new faces.

    Sadly, with big spenders who don't know how to find joy in anything besides upgrading (TR1) and decided to use this against the developers as an incentive to continue playing, I see Level 4 abyss coming soon.
  8. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 2 KAW Direction

    I see no issue with another 2 levels coming to the abyss however I do feel like moving above and beyond the constant new lands and buildings will give kaw a new spark of life. I don't know what that will be nor do I have any ideas of what it can be right now however I do know that if they keep widening the gap to such high extremes they will prevent new players from wanting to join as a gap that large is just too daunting for them.
  9. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 2 KAW Direction

    I think they will extend one more time because if you notice in the main lands there's 4 strange places there...
    In IOS, you need to tap an arrow in those strange places to go to the hl, hr, or abyss.
    But I think it should have some few upgrades and devs should fix the problems in kaw after showing the new lands....

    But whatever happens, the game should remain balanced to the new and old players of kaw....
  10. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 2 KAW Direction

    I personally think 100 lands is a great round number but 125 I see no issue with either. A suggestion I have considered is have a land that is specific for towers but doesn't reduce your plunder. This would enable players to have towers and grow at the same time with no reduced plunder. This would mean that larger players can grow in a way that doesn't increase their plunder but would also enable them to do more variations of war.

    Another suggestion I heard was a form of sacrificial buildings. They increase your stats at the expense of plunder. This would mean that large players could make the choice between power and gold.
  11. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 2 KAW Direction

    If devs make HTE not drop all components needed for promos that could help with mixing up eb's to get all components. All non paying players have to do different eb's and make less gold while doing it. Devs want clans to mix up eb's and why u have to chase the components.

    As for lands I think IMO once the 4th corner is opened up from low lands I don't think devs will release anymore lands. Maybe add new tiers of buildings but not lands.

    All I have, good day
  12. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 3 New Epic Battle(s)

    New Epic Battle(s)

    Recently with the release of the Wrath of the Sveruganti series and it's first epic battle Lignabelua of the Lowlands there has been a lot of talk about epic battles in general. This is where a few different topics come up regarding this new release and the updating of the lower epic battles.

    Did the devs bring out this EB too soon?

    Is the difficulty right for this new series?

    Do the lower epic battles need updating to improve plunder?

    Do the lower epic battles new more different equipment for new players to grow quicker?
  13. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 2 KAW Direction

    I think new more difficult ebs make a good challenge for clan effort as you get a bonus when completing it. Even tho the current one my clan is running is too difficult for me I don't mind.

    Maybe the new players need a bit of help to get going indeed. I believe some extra plunder would benefit over getting equipment for them.

    Also, getting equipment is something to work for even for newbies. They'll get more as they grow and find a good clan to help them. Just talking to newbies helps too because the social part is very important in this game and when they have nobody to talk to or ask questions it may bore them.
  14. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    Clan Loyalty and Clan Structure

    Welcome to the 4th edition of Kezzer's thought for talk. Sorry for the lack of a post last week as I was away on a coaching course (a few people were wondering.)

    This weeks topic is regarding clan loyalty and structure. Both topics have been brought up multiple times throughout the year in both the forums and in-game.

    Clan loyalty: This never used to be an issue a couple years back whereas now the loyalties that kept clans and friends together now seem to have been lost. There are a couple different reasons which could be to blame.
    • HTE - This has been a major factor as a lot of players now will take any seals to B2B HTE clans because statistically that is where they will earn the best gold. This can cause more issues as well with this individual within that clan if they take this drop elsewhere as some clans deem it to be a clan drop.
    • Bigger range in EBs - A couple years back when tier 5 epics were the peak of clan strength, players would join a clan once able to hit that high and stay there. This was because they could choose a clan they wanted to be in that allowed them to earn the most gold. Now because of the much larger range this kind of loyalty is far harder to come across. This means that players tend to grow and if they are able to hit bigger and better epics they will leave the clan they are in and move on to a new one.

    Clan Structure: Clan structure is in massive need of an overhaul. Some of the requests have included a mass message feature, admin chat and an activity monitor. This would mean that clans would be more effortless to run as some of the more long winded tasks such as activity checks and messaging clan members. Also the argument that 3rd party messaging apps could be used is pointless. This is a social app and it should cover the social needs we have.

    So those are my opinions so how do you the community feel about these matters?
  15. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    Oh do tell us more about this social need you have!!
  16. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    only you would take it like that ashes :lol:
  17. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    Clan loyalty is important to me. I got asked to join a clan the day I started playing KaW. They helped me grow and get understanding of the game mechanics. I've always stayed with the same clan after that and always tried to help out where I can.

    At some point I retired due to personal matters and more than a year later I was contacted by the same person who got me in the clan through a 3rd party app and I'm back again. i've been welcomed warmly by my old friends. They helped me get started up again. For me it's clear, I'll stay loyal to that clan no matter what.

    As for your actual debate subject. I don't think you need people that will go away as soon as you stop HTE. I doubt you can count on them in other matters like a war either.

    I would like a more sophisticated chat function tho but in what way that should be I don't Know yet. I may have to think about that for a bit longer.
  18. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    "Few people were wondering" hahaa... kezarah stop joking about now.
  19. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    rude monk
  20. Re: Kezzer's thought for talk - Week 4 Clan Loyalty/Structure

    Lighten yourself up kez u always know i take the micky. I like your material you know that fully well. Keep it up.