Excellent response and well thought out obi. There's good stuff here folks. The community isn't pulling punches. In my experience, you really have to come with solid game plan and pound it home to get the devs to listen, and you have to get support. Currently, we have a multi-clan task force looking at a number of threads and ideas to make changes game-wide, so please keep the good thoughts up and let's get some good work done.
Expose yourselves to the big picture as much as you can... This is a game. It's meant to generate enjoyment. It's run by people that wish for their game to flourish. Yes...they make money. Big surprise. We hand it to them. Some more than others. If we didn't spend, they would be considered a failed app. Let's ask this question, if you created something, wouldn't you want to make money? I would. It's business. So beyond the money, what else makes this game great? The people. The bonds. The drama. OSW. Strips. Not EE wars. I hate them. They are fun...but also they are another means to gain mith/equipment. If you invest in it...you'll get gear. Which is supposed to be used to fight others. Plus, if you have a bad connection? You're screwed. You leave your clan to war with strangers. It never made sense to me. I don't know the percentage of players that PVP, or OSW on the reg, but that is what should happen. But it doesn't. Sure, there are OSW's everywhere. But it seems it's the same clans/alliances. That era of player is diminishing. The new players are being taught to EE war and feed off HTE's and random promotions. It's fun. New. Fresh. But it isn't what I am used to. We were taught to bond. Plot. When **** hits the fan...you make players suffer by breaking down what they build. Taking their gold. Pots. Allies. Destruction. Nowadays, ways to grow, and cheat are growing. It completely ruins the game. Until that is stopped, the game will choke out, and become stale. And I need to point this out.... I can't help but notice a glaring fact. The same players that were prominent in 2011 when I started, whom I learned how to play this game, always generate the most buzz when they post these days. It's really nice to see Joe_ in forums again. Unlike him, I'm a "pictures and gif's" guy. Cheers KAW.
Tragic: being a mentor is a big part of being a leader in the game. It's not for everyone, and not everyone has the time. Often as a player's influence grows or their leadership role grows, it becomes harder and harder to be a teacher. That said, if you did your job right as a teacher, there will be folks behind you helping teach as you delegate responsability.
Teaching/mentoring now is different from when I was new 5 years ago. 1. The HUGE difference in stats between experienced vets and new players means either you accept stagnated growth so little/newer players can hit an eb or you have to create an alt to sit in a sub clan with littles. Not many people are willing to stagnate growth so you end up with one or two teachers/mentors where before you had a clan full of teachers. You could get various suggestions for how to tackle one problem or ways to accomplish a goal when you had a clan full of teachers. 2. Clan unity, except in rare cases, went out the window. People leave to equipment hunt or to money grab (hte). Hard to teach/mentor and foster a sense of family with a group of new players when people are in and out all the time. I think it's less about not having enough teachers and more about the seemingly insurmountable challenges mentors face now. I've taken players under my wing spending hours answering questions and teaching only to see them quit out of frustration with the game (issues already addressed by others elsewhere) . It's disheartening.
I know the feeling Gwen, and btw, long time. But every one we can keep around is a benefit. I've seen my share come and go, and I'm not nearly where I was 4 years ago in activity, but a lot that I've helped are still around, and the game is better for them. Lift your head up. All is not lost until we stop fighting. (Yes...this from a guy who just took a year off to start a family). Now, I'm knocking the rust off and doing my best to bring a pulse back to this thing we love and hate and trying to make it better. You know the old saying...you eat an elephant one bite at a time.
Glen and Joe all on one thread. Wow, two big influences on my game life in one. I'm going to catch up and put my two cents in on this subject soon.
The game is on its last legs. All the indicators point that out pretty clearly. I don't have the statistics in front of me but Troll posted them a few months back. It's very clear that this game has been losing its community. Everyday less players decide to login. More and more players decide to stop spending their money on a dying app (myself included). Looking at the product life cycle of this game it can be easily defined as the decline phase. This new revamp that kaw is trying is their last shot at saving face. But you and I know it won't work. Kaw hasn't listened to their customers. The hardest customer to get is the one you've lost. Simply put, they are losing mass amounts of customers monthly and the incoming noobs don't replace the outgoing vets. RIP Kaw ️
It's dying and it's not hard to figure out why. I've been playing for years and will never be building complete. Who wants to start a game now with no chance of reaching top tier. Without dropping serious cash your always behind the eight ball. There's no easy fix that would be fair to the players that already are building complete. I would like to know how long it would take a player joining today to be building complete without dropping cash. My guess is 3 years at least. Fun while it lasted, but this app is sucking wind now and will be done soon in my opinion.
If KaW were to die, wouldn't it be wise of the developers to recreate it as the original KaW again? Start anew and as it was during its glory days and promoting the way clash of clans gets promoted. This would cause new players and old alike to enjoy the real purpose of this game and creating a more interactive player base once again.
It would be weird cause you could potentially have thousands of accounts start the very first day. The same established clan would instantly exsit.
Hte is the only reason this game is dying. It ruined the ability to teach loyalty and basic skills and instead became a straight jump to hte. Easy button installed and now they wont close the floodgates.
This is true when looking at the statistics. The serious decline in members and revenue started when EE and HTE started