Feature Request: Permanent Items

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _xVx_SB_Prodigious_SB_xVx_, May 4, 2015.

  1. So I assume pretty much everyone knows about the pro pack permanent items, pay money, get a bonus "Permanent Item".

    Well... They look strangely like equipment don't they?

    So here's my idea, let's turn the "Permanent Items" into Equipment! They can keep the same stat bonuses, or you could change them, doesn't matter I think it would be great.

    It gives a new player an opportunity to get a stat bonus quickly, as well as replace some old boring equipment for bigger players.

    Give me your thoughts :)
  2. No then it's pointless. It is very hard for me to refrain from destroying any shred of respect you have for yourself or just going after the very mislead notion that this would possibly be a good idea. Not only do I award you no points, but may god have mercy on your soul.
  3. Why would those of us that already have the perm items want to have to replace a piece of our equipment for it, when we're already getting the stat bonus from them? Doing so would only decrease our overall bonus.
  4. this but add all that stuff I said.
  5. A bit harsh lol.
  6. i don't quite get what you mean by that.
  7. LOL. Damn I misread that post xD.
    I thought I read, may god have no mercy on your soul. XD xD

    Sorry about that, everything is fine and perfect with your post.
  8. Now that you mention it that does have a better ring to it...
  9. I think what OP is trying to say is it would look cool in our equipment slot
  10. I missed the point.
  11. I'll reword op for you:

    Please give me the better, premium equipment for free.
  12. Go easy on the op. I just think he doesn't really understand how the game works.
  13. Frog is walking the path of a valiant knight ;)
  14. That's the worst idea I've ever heard proposed on forums.
  15. No support, this would effectively ruin any point in having them since they replace equipment.

    Keeping them as perm items means that they always apply to your stats as well as the equipment. It would massively reduce their worth if you were to make them equipment too.

    They're one of the few paid only items in the game, making them equipment would make them worthless and anyone with them would feel ripped off.
    The stat boost for someone with low stats is also not worth it at all. It's only once you start to get bigger that they're actually very strong
  16. Permanent items are available to everyone and give the same bonuses regardless of where they're placed.

    I don't understand what you're getting at, OP
  17. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I have most of mine aswell I just thought it would be a cool idea on how to change the game up a bit, you didn't have to be rude and disrespectful I was just bringing up what I thought was a good idea, which I'm pretty sure is the point of the idea/feature request forum. Thank you to the people that aren't jerks about their opinion, and everyone else can kindly shove it sideways into their deepest, darkest crevice. ️
  18. If anything i would think additional pro-packs, but not replacing..just add more to the available ones.. but i'm just a noobcan't even figure how to tell if a player has them and i have all of them smh.