We should determine positions of authority based on players named Balto with high forum post counts 0.0
I am a bit confused.....when did vk become a "who post on your thread the most" achievement? It didn't. I suggested support for the people who respond back in PM and or on your walls to help you when you needed it, not based off how many responses they get on a forumn......I still stand beside phil and Ashes. Two of the best who never ask for anything in return. Always willing to help us learn how the game is played.
Like to thank the OP for his vote of confidence. As for my activity, I'm always on, I just pick and choose which threads to post on and which to write. Quality over quantity. As for being an alt, I prefer think of myself as one account of a system of 6 I operate all of which are mains. This account is the one I pick as my voice.
If helping other player is wat it takes to become Vk, then i think i shlf bcom VK b4. I am only player who post ads on Wc gor helping players
The community always has a say in who gets VK without knowing it. Your actions towards a certain player will help push them to what they can achieve. If a strong leader is given a chance to lead he will take it. If a strong leader tries to take charge of a situation that is not his he will go down. Remember that how we all act towards certain people will help make or break them.
It goes far beyond helping a single clan. It goes towards helping many. The 3 mentioned help many and should be VK's
Not sure how vk work, moose usually pops in with a list of peeps to cover up his own inactivitypeeps then we have fresh new peeps with vk badges that noone ever really seen help anyone outside there friends
SylverDragon-OnThe-Battlefield for her selfless and continuous efforts for her clan and all the EE warriors that have had the privilege to war with her. Her advice and expertise is invaluable. Forever grateful ️
I completely agree with ashes but I disagree with joe and philo. Philo just makes osw threads and is probably the only accepted osw thread maker but i wouldnt say he was worthy of vk. I dont feel reporting osw is worthy imo. Joe I just wouldnt say has brought anything new to the table. Like hes just a vet that is good at some stuff but I wouldn't say he was superior to all other kaw leaders.