Players that should be VK

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, May 4, 2015.

  1. I'd say Galan_Dracos is one of the finest teachers and humans I've been around in the game. He deserves VK.

    I'm just loud, and often bombastic and not afraid to champion a gets me ridiculed and it gets press, but folks like Galan are the unsung true legends of the game.

    Without Galan, I wouldn't have had a Foxes to rebuild...without him, Sholron, Colton, Zarko, and the lot, and of course Game, and all the members that came through our ranks over 3-4 years, I'd have been the loudest nobody among the biggest idiots of all time.

    So yeah, I don't deserve anything. Give awards to folks who made things happen. I'll happily see them shine before me.
  2. Really?
  3. Ashes is a solid choice. Joe and Philo would be good if they were just more active and relevant at this point in time... at the end of the day though. . . The only thing that matters is. . . Dr. Shadow for KAW emperor. I expect all of your support, or else. Kthxbai
  4. Galan_Dracos does highly deserve this and is a great KAW historian.
  5. I totally got snubbed bro. What's the point in bribing you if you continuously disregard what I pay you to say?
  6. Who here wants to see a gif of Joe_ in action?!
  7. May the myth of balto's brigade live on.
  8. Wasn't exactly a myth as everything we did was 100% legit. ... More of what I'd describe as legendary. Cough cough undefeated cough cough.
  9. Philo may make osw threads but fairly confident he's just an alt. So don't necessarily agree with that choice but the other two seem fitting
  10. Where were you when the trolls started quoting OP?
    Where were you when forum threads got posted Eagled?
    Where were you when forum threads gets locked and deleted?
    Where were you when Frog is whoopin everyones ass in forums?
  11. Oli is number 1 contender bro.
  12. The obvious joke would be to respond with the address of any one of the members of your family but instead I will answer truthfully.
    Basketball. But for those first 3 I was there!!!
    And that fourth one never happened. It was all up to the opinionated speculation of those witnessing!
  13. His post was over 1k pages before it got locked
  14. Here's a gif of joe_ in action that I posed in 2012.. He's still going strong.. 

  15. Photobomb!
  16. I'd support Joe_. He's one of the oldest players I've had the pleasure of meeting (besides Towel), and knows the mechanics inside-out. He has had a large impact on many, including myself; by fulfilling such roles as: a friend, mentor, leader, rolemodel, and strong-willed clanmate. He was a pillar of Foxes, one of the first clans established in KaW. I think he deserves some recognition for hanging in here this long!
  17. I really don't see why phil should be a vk but i agree with the other two
  18. Stables for vk!
  19. Black Horses for devs
  20. Pink horses for mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!