I guess I stand corrected. I may have missed some long threads in the time I've been off KaW. I'm pretty sure mine was the longest aside from the Q & A thread at the time it was posted though...
Then again, I don't follow OSW threads as they are irrelevent to me so I guess they could have been longer than I thought.
Better than getting it graveyard. All of Philo's OSW threads that I was apart of have been graveyarded
Are you kidding me dude? Phil's thread about the first Apoc/Zaft war was nearly 700 pages with a half-million views before that jerk decided to destroy it.
Joe_ should be a VK. He has given more to the game than most. Ashes, along the same premise as my annotation, he provides entertainment better than most. Philo is brilliant. Would be great had he been more active.
Willy, Philo's activity does not effect his contributions to this game. Mainly because when he is on, any information of an OSW will be researched then posted.
Although I have never heard of Joe, he sounds like a great guy that would benefit the cmunity by being a VK. Although Ashes has a bit of an.. Interesting sense of humor that a lot of us enjoy, he seems like a good candidate. I don't really keep track of Phil, but I have seen his posts and they are very well organized (although there maybe could be more BBCodes involved )
I deserve nothing tbh, but I appreciate the mention. I'd agree with ashes, nominate willy for similar reasons, and I'd have to be convinced on philo, but he has been great on osw.
Lets all be VK! So in the end we'll just regret it that its better to be white ordinary color username than a l highlight blue cyan or wtf you call that.
Joe, you are too modest when it comes to being rewarded bud. You deserve it more than some of the standing VK's. That is not a knock on the current VK's, just an opinion myself and I would believe many others have.