Warning to all you OP Quoters

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, May 2, 2015.

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  1. To summarize your all gay
  2. Figured as much. I've smacked a few. More concerned about threads other than this.
  3. [​IMG]

    All of this quoting, is getting me going!
    Baby, my heart's on fire!
    I'll send you a kiss by wire!
    If you refuse me, honey you'll lose me!
    Then you'll be all alone!
    Oh baby, don't quote me!
    Don't make my words, your own!
  4. I get why people are quoting op in this thread. The troll is obvious.

    Though it is a shame cause the rest of us are like "he must be the really loud guy that is always yelling out terrible jokes and laughs hysterically at them".

    Ahh man, that guy. Normally has nasty breath too.

    Fins cool though. Hes the exception.

  5. Ehhhhhhhhhh ?
  6. Jack squat, you're gonna get smacked around a bit. We all read the op statement. No need to quote it for any reason IMO. The worst case of this was done by quigamalathedestroyer who quoted sean893's super long eB thread and at the bottom just said "Eh?". As long as you're not in Apoc alliance or buy me beer regularly, there shall be no mercy for you low life varmints.
    Also don't go crying that I'm just some big, bad bully hitting smaller accounts. You should have thought about how weak and noobish you are before you post on the forums. Let's curb ourselves of this habit and bring some readability back to threads.
  7. Any thread about this matter always ends up getting quoted at least 10 times
  8. Lol gotta love the human race.
  9. This just does something for me I <3 It

    Be blessed all an happy kawing
  10. Support. I smacked around a few with the last pvp lb thread. Keep up the good work. #policemanship4lyfe
  11. Lol gotta love the butthurt hate. Never said a word about being the police. Just said I'd smack around those I can hit who do that. Like I've been doing to you the past few weeks Chubbs. ️
  12. Nub
  13. I see reading is not your forté; I have never been silenced and if you took time to read my banner you would know this.[/quote]

    Hb att for making me look stupid
  14. Support
  15. Hb att for making me look stupid[/quote]

    How did I make you look stupid? By pointing out the obvious? Lol
  16. Lmfao Helio. Idiots don't like to be proven that they are. Then they act all tough in a tap tap game with words said cause in RL they are pathetic losers.
    Quigymire is one prime example as is Majoras_Mask
  17. How true he even posted after my post on his ignorance. It took him this long for my post to sink in. Guess French isn't his strength either. Lol
  18. Your both gay.
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