Warning to all you OP Quoters

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, May 2, 2015.

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  1. Oh noes here comes the sensible police with a silence banner. Idiot hypocrite[/quote]

    I see reading is not your forté; I have never been silenced and if you took time to read my banner you would know this.
  2. Worse mobile forum update ever.
  3. Good Job..I actually was pissed to see that guy quoting Sean's Whole thread..I Wish You Good Luck in teaching all those unsophisticated ppl a lesson.. :)
  4. Sophistication right there
  5. Wants an end to it yet he makes an effortless petition smh.
  6. If you don't use forums anyway what do you care?
  7. Fraud isn't smacking anyone she's a war runners who is all bark and no bite
  8. Now chubby you know that is not true. I've been smacking you all over the place for months. Thanks for being open so often. 

    And to you and jenni, apparently it's against TOU to slander someone a war runner without proof. Defamation of character. Enjoy your bans. ️
  9. I've asked about this a while ago, this was support's response:

    (They passed me to the community section and it literally says its name is community)
  10. The quotation could be a nice tool if it wasn't for the idiots who abuse it so. Thanks for sharing Narwal.
  11. Jack Squat

  12. Meh. 
  13. Is there anyone more butthurt on the forums than Chubby Chaser? So Frog and Apoc strip you regularly, no need to get all whiny about it. Frog is a two-time ASW champion and a great WC. What have you ever done? You were too much of an EB fairy to even join the last PvP event.

    Support to Frog for being man enough to address this problem and for putting his main on the line.
  14. This guy is just too sensible. First, quotations upset him. Now, accusations. Wow.

  15. This dude obviously doesn't know the meaning of the word sensible. lol

    Anyway, Chubby has said the same stuff for months and has never given proof. He's just upset over the ass kicking Frog and Apoc is giving him.
  16. Support
  17. A statless alt says it so it must be true.
  18. I believe he meant to say "sensitive" not "sensible".
  19. Frog, what about a suggestion to devs to remove the quote button on any ops posts

  20. So you're making gold off being assn even better
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