is the game shrinking or growing?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by joe_, May 1, 2015.

  1. If a player cannot conceive, let alone believe it is possible to get on the leaderboard, then a certain type of player, the type who like to chase goals, simply wont stay...and the churn speeds up.

    It is easy to design leaderboards relevant to new, middle and veterans. A leaderboard doesnt have to be measured on all activity or growth since day 1.
  2. Joe ️

    As to topic on hand... I think that unlocking all lowlands plus bonus to plunder is a nice touch from the devs for new accounts. Imagine my suprise when i made an new account and saw that! I ,however, feel like its a bit too late to make up the losing of new playerbase. There really isnt a good way to even it out either :(
  3. Hmm I'd say (recently anyways) there has been a DECREASE in quantity and INCREASE in quality, which for us long time players (Hey joe ;) ) is obviously a refreshing change given the .. years of ..

    Yeah anyways, the player base isn't growing as steadily as it has been in the past, and currently with the fresh starts very difficult with the ally price / max plunder issues things have been a little rougher for us as a community.

    That being said, they are issues that both the devs and the player base have been taking on, addressing and attempting to work out - so hope is not lost.

    Still a lot of work needs to be done, (I can think of a couple dozen important changes to improve game quality myself) but we're headed in the right direction.

  4. Ok. I'm caught up.

    Good discussion so far.

    My thoughts are a bit "through the looking glass," as it were...

    I'd say player-base, activity, and passion-wise, the game is in decline and has spent a few years shrinking.

    Granted, I'm not nearly as present as I was for 3-4 years, but from wc and forum presences, that's the trend I see...

    Revenue-wise, I'm in the middle...seals surely mitigate losses in the overall player base, but I'd bet business has been better...and I've payed a few monthly ATA salaries.

    This is a good game, and one I spent a lot of time, and a good bit of cash, investing have most posters on this thread.

    Oddly, this type of conversation is generally the best way to speak directly to the devs, so if you have opinions or suggestions, please feel free to air them here. I welcome comments so long as they're respectful.

    Much respect, many thanks, and happy Kawing,


    P.S. - hey Omega, hey Frankie, sup Mickey, and to all I missed feeding my daughter after 4AM, my apologies and much love.

    That said, let's get things done to improve and balance the game before there's no game to improve.
  5. osw's brought the community the game had through teammates etc it encouraged people to be more interactive whenever I fought in an osw it has always been the time cc has been most active especially small clan vs clan affairs. however the game has taken a different course now all you need to do is log in hit eb and that's it it doesn't encourage much participation which has led to a decline in the social structure of kaw. even clans in osw now for the most part the clan alliances are so vast that for the most part all they need to do is get a word from CA or the third party app and it's over. granted it takes a lot of dedication and organisation by a few but it fails to utilise the whole clan like it did as that is no longer necessary.

    likewise with regards to forum activity most of the stuff from the intellectual forum identities to the straight up barmy probably stemmed from situations in kaw that affected how they interacted with the game. as thus far the forums has been clogged up by ee wars the few large scale osws going on and probably the last remaining troll of any notice in kaw in the form of saltyfeet.

    sorry for the wall of text. TL,DR this game is losing it's identity and is slowly become just a normal game that is running it's course.
  6. 9 year olds wont spend money to keep the game up. Screw the kid appealing ad.
    Im glad theyre changing it
  7. A lot of games use a grace period where you can't be hit, they can use this in kaw where new accounts can go up to 7 days or using a building limitor that last's a month whereby new accounts will stay at max plunder without having to buy any allies at all until they fully bc the lowland or place 1 unit on the highland. the time limit will reduce the possibility of exploiting. Also the developers would do well to try and bring about a new forum secion titled something along the line of "guides" which would help compact all the stickied guides into one easy to find space.

    the playerbase approach is also a problem it's hard to improvise a solution to participation when the general mentality of the current players in kaw is "I want to be bigger" or "I want them to have to work for it like I did" it shows a lot that the game has changed from players wanting to compete directly through fighting to players competing indirectly through growing and that has probably also had some impact on the direction the developers have taken this game.
  8. I think a rich kawer ( i know quite a few so don't say we don't have any ) needs to buy it because they'll know what to do with it. They'll know what the people want and what the community needs as a whole. Just my opinion though. Not sure if anyone agrees or disagrees.
  9. Maybe they should invest in Comercials like other games are doing

  10. Honestly I believe this is the best answer. Word of mouth is great an all, but most people only have a small circle of friends that they would suggest this game to and Most likely will fail to get many of their friends to stay.

    I thing the Devs should do something to make the game interesting and rewarding for players who just started playing and for those who have mid-builds.

    As of right now, all of these events favor the players with huge leaderboard stats and a big bank account.

    The event page could help make it better but It will go little to helping KAW gain and keep new players.

    And it's nice to see you in forums again Joe.

  11. I really took Troll's quitting hard. He was a great, seasoned warrior active in the game as well as in the threads. He gave up because of how ATA totally ignore the incompetence of certain mods and how certain players were exploiting the forums for their own self-promotion. The social aspect of this game is huge, so it doesn't help your product's image when you got some idiot spamming the forums talking about how much money he makes and how much he lifts.

    Personally, when a person of Troll's stature files a complaint, ATA better damn well listen instead of sitting on their asses and hoping the problem goes away.
  12. He was one of the few people that made forums enjoyable tbh. Devs havent been listening to vets for too long now, and many have quit because of that. It's sad really.
  13. All that would do is further inflate the ally market, and if a new player can grow that fast, then it will anger many people who worked to get to hlbc
  14. Clans need to cost a lot more to create. There are far too many. Players start, get into failing clans, and many ppl go inactive.
    When I started playing there were usually subclans so smaller players could set a goal to move up, and bigs would go down and help out. 3 layers of clans.
    A defined set of clans also help protect newer small players because the bigs would protect them from farming.
    First equipment hunting then hte sort of destroyed that clan structure.
  15. Oops, I didn't answer the question regarding the game growing or shrinking. While I hope the game continued to grow, I'm not here to do market analysis. I'm buffing up for asw. Not here to do revenue projections or download trend modeling. Gotta work on bfa.
    I see one graph from one firm, that covers one platform, continually used as a basis for the game's performance. One set of numbers with a distinctly narrow range. You know what they say about statistics...
    I'm off to have fun and chat with clannies
  16. We've been down that road...clan loyalty is still negligible.

    I'll agree to a point that many clan creators aren't fit to really lead clans (I was blessed with boom eras where others were either already there, or we could mold a leadership group) but that's not the case now.

    The idea now is that we need to fix what's broken, and be progressive in expanding the community. Yes, advertising is a start, but what's the follow-up?

    Every new player is an opportunity, and every warrior or bystander is a commodity. Going through the motions doesn't make it better.

    That's not just the devs, it's us too.

    Complain all you want about mindlessly mashing on EB, but if you unload every hour, you're complicit.

    That said, I challenge each of you to bring real solutions to the table. It's your community at risk...from lb to new players, you make this game exist. That's power.

    Think on it, expand your thoughts, go outside the box...

    Oldies but goodies:

    More quests with rewards - at 10-15m cs those xtal are gone and the nob are spent.

    Bring back LC reset rewards - if you know what I'm talking about, you'll understand

    Quests for spies - come on...the single most devistating forces in OSW need love too

    New thoughts:

    Fix the ally market...seriously...8b is rediculous for 200k stats.

    Devs: don't resign yourselves to defeat. You can do more. A cash cow is only a cash cow business model when you allow yourselves to ride it as one.
  17. Imo it's too late, you can't unchange the fact that some players are 80mcs and the majority can't ever dream of being competitive on any level without dumping huge amounts of $. I understand there's whales in every game like this but it's too big of a gap.

    My suggestion is to bid kaw your final farewells. I can't say when exactly it will end but i believe it's in an irrevocable downward spiral
  18. That's up to you and me...and the devs, of course.

    I still stand by an old (really a foil of mine) iG player, who said, "there will always be more whales."

    If you deliver a good, competitive product, your product can exist as long as its development team is willing to keep pace.
  19. It's just not competitive anymore. I've spent maybe 1k on this game mostly before hte and I'm not even 50% bc anymore. That's just my story but i imagine many players feel the same
  20. Basically there used to be ways to fight against bigger opponents but now there isn't. New players can see this quickly into their progression of the game. Are there ways to undo this? Imo no.

    I'm sure people who have played for awhile well keep buying xtals and seals but trying to hold keel doesn't keep a business afloat.