Warning to all you OP Quoters

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, May 2, 2015.

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  1. Hahahah frog you noob lmfao I was testing you hahahah you actually take this seriously 
  2. Well I quickly pinned on EB lol I thought you were gonna take it really far and unload on me 
  3. No support noob fight me
  4. All my support goes to my fellow ally, and his crusade.
    Keep up the good work
  5. No I gotta keep my troops fairly high for OSW. Never know when a strip is coming. I'll give a few hit and if 5-6 other guys do the same the message will get across.

    I also figured a few smart asses would try it out on this thread. Sorry op quotation not long enough. I'll be watching others though.
  6. As does my support to this. Thanx fellow ASW4 winner clannie
  7. Can I get a hit or 2 in advance :)
  8. You really should change your name to mighty chump. And your main is the most embarrassing chearleader on forums congrats
  9. Guilty 2/2/1 Atk np.

    You'll get some more when you actually do it.
  10. Eh? I like my cheerleader fat and hairy.
  11. Hide your wives hide your kidz :0 we got a badass ova here
  12. Ummm no I am happy ur doing it really should expand to crappy threads as well
  13. Main? Who is this please. Yes I am an alt, but what is this you are so smart in the know. Speak or your a liar.
    And Majoras_Mask is a joke acct. Main idiot offender of quoting long op's and 3-5 word comment
  14. Stay in school chump the quote above is an eight word comment.
  15. Oh damn. Majoras_Mask made an 8 word comment. It's kinda working Frog. Idiots improving word counts. Up from start. Now more pounding to get the idiot like this one to admit quoting whole op is stupid and annoying.
    Edit* I love the massive fails from quigy. My achievement is near for next one of successful defends.
    *additional edit. 9 more failed actions. Thanks quigy nub
  16. Lol you ain't no big bad bully you just a nub that rejoined an osw clan an your now having delusions of grandeur you can't make any one do nothing hints why you only trying cause your parked where your parked anywho I have no issue with warlor but you as an individual person can suk it..
  17. Forums is a public place no one obligated to post what the Op like, who is Op anyway. NOBODY...
  19. Frogman? is this manbearpig? Where is bigfoot or chupacabra? I bet he invade my house at three am while I am choking myself. I met a frogman before and he told me it ogre now.
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