Epic Battle: Trials Of Destiny

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by sean893, May 2, 2015.

  1. Quig inc assn 2/5. At least I make great gold off of your ignorance
  2. Why one year membership in Kaw? Other then that support
  3. I think in the first page you should have to hit the bosses along with a special item or bonus. Maybe make their attack/assass bar a little weaker to compensate.
    For example:

    Calydor's item would be the Potion of Sleeping

    Z'uthmerak's would be that there is a small regen bar (10,000) that you would have to keep hitting until he dies (regen 1,000 every 2-5 min)

    Usaris' would be his Sol Spell that you have to hit with Scroll of Mage's eye

    Thorak's would be two bars: Golem horde (10,000, very weak) and diamond encrusted Golems (5,000, assass only)

    For Apherium you would have to hit with Angel of Light and Seal of Deflection at the same time

    Hawthorn's would be a poison gas that is invulnerable for 5 min and stops troop regen as long as it is in play. Destroy it with elven shields.

    Moutos would be a small scout bar (5-10k)

    Skorpios would be a steal bar of his amulet

    Jorathe would be four 2,500 bars:
    Attack Frozen City
    Scout Qalupalik army
    Steal Storm Medallion
    Assassinate Castle Guard
  4. • Create clan of alts
    • Vote for yourself as MVP
  5. No support. Simple reason. You made it
  6. You have to be a perm for 6 months...
  7. No support
  8. Child support.
  9. A for effort but no support. Id hate for devs to spend any resources on this when they should be busy working on a whole long list of other things they should be improving or adding to the game.
  10. Let me say, idea sounds great and that this is centered towards bigger players AND RIGHTFULLY SO. I can't even imagine when I first started the game and had low stats trying to join an ALLSTAR KAW EVENT. come on, it would be dumb for small players(like 50k cs-2m cs) to think they can be a KaW all star. Its a harsh truth but they don't really deserve it and I don't think id deserve it either lol

    Would it be a clan of 100 people? Or would it vary? And would this be like a once in a while thing? Cause it seems like a lot of work on ATA end to do often. I think id definitely try it.

    And I don't think this will widen the gap between big and small that much. The rewards arnt steep enough. Depending on the amount per hit. Like if it was like 300m+ MAYBE. and depends on end of eb payout. Now if it gave out 1 trillion then yea maybe. But if it's like a one time thing then it will help the semi-huge not quite Lb people like me get a jump on power...and by that I mean TWO building upgrades or a new land lol. Just my 2 cents.
  11. In a way I agree with this also though. There are a lot of other things they could be dedicating there resources to that may actually improve the game but this Idea is a pretty good one.
  12. Haste whats this.....Turing into Final Fantasy
  14. Post Update:

    The second part of the Trials of Destiny is now under construction. Once done, it will be created on a new thread with the url to this thread.

    Edit: Part 2 is now released
  15. Season 5 first