Baltimore is Burning

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by heeeeeeeeeres_BUCKEYE, Apr 29, 2015.

  1. Tough topic, I can see both sides. In the past, these events where people have claimed police brutality, they've taken to protesting. However, this has very little impact. For example, the million march that recently occurred in (I think) New York brought hardly any attention from anyone outside the state, much less the government. So, if the government, or specifically the police, aren't going to care about large scale protesting, people are going to try different things, ie rioting.
    However, the things the rioters did weren't entirely justified. Too many innocent business owners and citizens were affected by this, with the burning of cars/buildings. Firemen who responded to these problems were also assaulted during the riots, causing them trouble while trying to do their job.

    Personally I think we need some other way to bring attention to these problems. Something that stands out more than protests, but endangers fewer bystanders than a riot.
  2. Yikes! The muchies might make him want to kill someone!
  3. Actually, sir. The city of Baltimore has, in fact, been governed by leftist policies for decades along with many other notable American cities.
  4. This is why half the world belives you lot are morons /).-

    But anyways these people are looking to blame others, they will purposely wait for something to spark a fuse on the jump on the bandwagon.

    If it wasn't a white killing a black being a racist attack, they would of attacked something else further down the line.

    But kinda does strike me as odd since it's always America.
  5. yes! burn amerika, burn
  6. They are achieving nothing but death and destruction. This is not a democrat or republican problem. Its a media/ community issue. I trust the police to protect me. I think it needs to be understood that if you don't do anything criminally wrong then you would ever be touched by a officer. Answer is simple for African Americans. Stop complaining about what race the criminal who was killed was. Complain about the criminals. I wish i could see protest about people going against the law instead of people upholding the law and protecting citizens. Be lucky we have a police force. Its not a requirement for the government to have one. Back in 1776 it was the military who held the law. People didn't complain about death of a criminal as they do now.
  7. someone died oh well my nan died she didnt make the news
  8. I think that the best thing to do to show support and try to create change is anarchy. Destroying the city will get stuff done for sure! What a bunch of idiots
  9. Not getting arrested by cops would help too... Just saying. Cause u know. Only innocent and good citizens get arrested by the police. In no way am I saying that what happened was ok. But at some point someone has to realize that maybe their life path aren't the best
  10. I think the main problem is the disorganization and the lack of unity. If a large scale of people were to legitimately commit to an act of civil disobedience, and carry on doing so until a change came forth, it would get things done much more efficiently. The government makes it very hard to do so. (Civil disobedience) They know that as a country, we cant unite against them, only against another nation, or another country
  11. Is it not obvious that the problems r historic n not improving in any meaningful or in any substantial way.

    A direct societal reflection of the past n the present.

    Racial hatreds n intolerance is old news.
  12. Two of your three posts ever in the forum (maybe all three) are wanting America to burn. :|
  13. Ironically those rioting were mostly young people. Their actions have destroyed businesses in their community. Most business owners will not want to start a business there. These young people have killed possible future jobs for themselves
  14. Increasing Reverse racism on the rise. Truth, not just on white but other color besides black. Truth
  15. Reverse racism is technically favoring someone because of their race. Racism is discriminating against someone due to race. Black people don't own the term racism exclusively
  16. Those same young kids are also the same ones who two years ago were also going to the harbor in packs of 20 or 30 deep running into stores and just ransacking them.

    The difference now is they feel justified for doing what they already were doing.
  17. So what do you want to do with them? Throw them in the bay at Fells Point? They tried that using military recruits and gang fights.
  18. Right Larry, which is why they have tried to calm the city down. The damage is already having a economic impact. Fortunatly Maryland has the highest per capita income in America. It's residence are some of the wealthiest we have.

    Baltimore being the only major city, and Annapolis being the seat of power.

    The Orioles had to do what they did because the vendor, and fans were attacked. The common response to this is to pull funding.

    Beyond the obvious. There is also some actions being done to curb gentrification. They don't want pushed out of the city, they pushed other out of. It was a rinse and repeat cycle.
  19. You do know that Baltimore has an extreamly high poverty rate and half the information you listed is false.
  20. Hell they was gearing down to shut off A large section of the cities residence and businesses water.

    That was before the Freddie Gray death