Why KAW is a disgrace

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by *Crookshanks1 (01), Apr 29, 2015.

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  1. Op is disgruntled eb fairy
  3. I can't recover that time I just wasted reading this. Kids drugs are bad.
  4. Even my statless ALTs has more battle losses than you, noob
  5. You have four losses and he has one-thousand seven hundred and twenty one.

  6. And my battle loses hold what weight and pertain to what exactly?
  7. You see people have more than one statless alt. :)
  8. Your battle losses don't keep you in any position to attack another player and call them an EB (player) when you yourself are one.

    If you use it as a term to belittle someone then ultimately you are belittling yourself.

  9. And even if you are in OSW, those losses still look very out of place.
    Nothing against zaft or Apoc but surely this lads losses should be higher if he's in OSW. You zaft members need to hit him Harder or this disgruntled one just doesn't fight hard
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