ARE WE PIMD? ARE WE PIMD? ARE WE PIMD? No! WE ARE PINNED! Whichever Noob invented the word EB fairy should be hung on a pole and thrown outside the gates of KAW and escorted to pimd. Wherever I go , all I See is EB fairy, Fairy this , Fairy that,. STOP. Take a breath. Think. This isn't peter bloody pan. You guys think this game is bloody Tinkerbell and her adventures to hoarfrost. Anyone who says fairy in this game again should have their device confiscated and given a bloody Disney fairies book. THIS GAME IS WAR,SOLDIERS, HONOUR, DEATH, SACRIFICE, MURDER,DEATH,KILL. Noobs grow a pair and get the vocab up to date. stop my anger , I'm going to hit Ray_ . BTW volley me so I can get more funds to hit Ray_.
Yes . indeed. It is indeed shocking to know some imbeciles using such words like fairy. This thread should put a stop to it