Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Chubby assassinate 2/2/0 p. Back where you belong gurl :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. There U go deflecting again jbblah blah blah is all Apoc and there cronies have. Apoc couldn't organise a fundraiser at a Greek wedding 
  3. Cs we bought for apoc's funds, which was my whole point tyvm
  4. They could organize 300t and strip your buddy harb tho :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Me deflecting?? I was responding directly to the bike ya moron 

    Btw please think of your own comebacks instead of copying and pasting mine 

    Seriously who allowed this guy to post?? 
  6. Lmao nope couldnt organize anything but yet how many dafties have we organized a strip on o_O o wait furbies response will be they ug duh lol not reverse strip ? O wait you have to have active members to do that lol
  7. I'd say I feel humble every time a big bad attack build pins on me
  8. You left out the bit whilst none of them noticed even though they were in OSW with NA

    Yeah Apoc can't organise anything 
  9. Your point is a lil late.
    U make this crap up as u go 
  10. More blah blah Mary  all u gotwhat u gonna do when that line gets old️oh to late we already there

  11. Interesting did you come to that conclusion all by yourself fury? and how much did harb loose on day one? and while your at it go ahead and figure out where that tally is today I can give you a hint it's in the realm of mind boggling so let's continue the game r u can always request a <-CF-> up to you lil buddy
  12. You also forgot to mention the people from FV joining fury to keep the clan full.

    Or are we not talking about that.
  13. If I were you I'd be more concerned about what's going to happen when this is all over. Little birdie tells me those who sat back, did nothing and were too lazy to notice Harbs strip could be feeling a little piece of retribution after ..... 
  14. #harbed isnt old yet we can still use that shoot even your own family thinks its still useful just ask larry 
  15. What's your point Rock ?just more wordsof course u are gonna strip most of us. How does that win u the war exactly?
  16. I like how LilMiss addressed u, I'll leave u at that for now lol
  17. Ssshhh Oli, no facts please that's not fair lol
  18. Pretty pathetic bragging about an ass kicking laid on u FURY.
    Lookin up at your masters must suck.

    No matter the outcome of the OSW no clan is perfect n never heard any clan lay that claim.
    Lil Miss seems worried though n her crystal ball is working overtime.

    RS seemingly boasting about LB. Its no wonder she's poison for a clan in OSW.

    As fun as this OSW is to follow there r so many empty comments from some ppl.

    I'll leave it that
  19. To LilmissAlt: At what point did any of us say we were the most rightous or perfect. At what standard do you hold yourself that you can presume to know the future? Much less Apocs intentions? Apoc hasnt hid away from war and i dont see that happening the day this war ends. War is what we do. If you want to get in line then welcome to the long list. Your arrogance rivals any of Apocs and you havent even used the hit button, further if you as you said take down the power house of kaw i would think that would entitle room for celebration even if it comes off as a bit arrogant or premature.
  20. Pathetic like commenting on a war thread like you're in it? Night caulk ?