Apoc vs. ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Kenny boy why you so mad brah  tis but a war game played by most of us to use up time at work .  psst yeah that's right kenny boy "KAW AINT REAL LIFE " soooo chill breathe n go outside n get you some of that good old fresh air . 
  2. What is this "outside" you speak of?

    I've heard the graphics are amazing, but the gameplay is terrible.

  3. Lol selfie the she boy. Just cause you claim someone is a runner doesn't make it so. Offer your proof please v I guess I could just drop my build like you every time I get incoming. 2/3 of my kaw time has been spent in OSW, more than your nooby build.

    Why all the hate anyway? My post was just an innocent greeting.
  4. LMAO is this chubby's alt?!?! When you girls cry in forums it sure seems like it, I hear theirs a pill for that sort of thing, bet your a Bruce Jenner fan too 
  5. I got bored so i made this list:

    Knights of the Fire Emblem 93
    KotFE Awakening 92
    KotFE- Assassins 95
    KotFE illuminati 74
    KotFE Dark League 75
    -WARLOR- 98
    True Spartans 94
    True Spartan Warriors 7
    --SPARTA--ELITE 100
    Sparta Elite Underworld 85
    Chaos Reborn 100
    Chaos Reborn Dragon 92
    Chaos Reborn Onslaught 7
    Wrath_Of_God 95
    WoG_Academy 93
    ___Damnation___ 1
    HiT 99
    R A G N A R O K 16
    Heart of Gold 98
    SILVER 94
    Clan A 6
    Clan A HQ 97

    *As of 28/04/2015
    This list includes every member from ALBC to almost statless accounts/reset bombs.

    Feel free to wall/pm me for a copy.
    Did i miss anyone?
  6. A list for Zaft has been rquested:

    ZAFT Carnage. 83
    ZAFT Corporation 51
    ZAFT Destiny 90
    ZAFT Faith 56
    ZAFT Genesis 10
    ZAFT UL 25
    ZAFT S.O.T.R.A. 46
    ZAFT Ultra Clan 72
    Fury 97
    Fury's Vengeance 36
    You Ask For IT 91
    ___JUDGMENT___ 8
    YA__GROM__FI 16
    YA__Rise of Honour__FI 98

    *As of 28/04/2015

    This list includes every member from ALBC to almost statless accounts/reset bombs.

    Feel free to wall/pm me for a copy.
    Did i miss anyone?
  7. Can we get a list above MP?
  8. Would have loved to see zaft/fury list pre war. Theirs a reason they have what they have now. Argue that reason all you like, as it stands today your getting the virtual beat down. Your numbers are falling, your allies are falling your plunder is falling. Its a steady decline for Zaft/Fury as a whole. At the pace set by Apoc and friends. Thats not chest bumping or boasting thats just plain simple fact. All the name calling and "one day im get you"comments wont change the truth right now.
  9. Looks like they may have curb stomped you a little too hard today huh bud.
  10. Silver clan are a ee orientated clan . you came into the osw at a late stage aka jumping on the bandwagon . Zaft and Fury plus most apoc clans are osw focused n driven clans. which is a big difference to what Silvers game is which is EE. so while Zaft/ Fury and apoc and clan A are at osw 360° 24/7 and have many different goals they have go do in osw .you silver just hit ebs then ee for 2 hours so can get all the mp allies you need because your funds not going to other uses. so when you have been in osw on your own merit and fighting a clan on your own back not fighting as a alliance and joining when all the work all ready been done then you can act all high n mighty . you need be in it at the start to claim the glory not rideing their tail of the rep they gained . i cant even remember silver even being in any osw except ee.
  11. correct me if im wrong
  12. Way to support Apoc and Clan A Roni! Your not wrong the work is almost done but where id like to take the liberty to tell you where you are wrong is; Silver didnt jump in or on the band wagon, they were pushed by your own ppl so when you slap the bull you get the horns. In this case Zaft/Fury took on more then youll ever be able to chew again.
  13. Only way you can ever become a Valiant Knight is by keeping shut..go work on it.
  14. We EE we EB we run hella bars on strips. The numbers left with allies to strip has dwindled down to so few that there is frankly not much damage left to do other than to keep you guys pinned all day. With half of you going tower build you are saving us time and freeing us to smash some HTE and either grow out of your range or strip more.

    We will continue to be awesome and do what we do and all you can do is hate on it.
  15. Ken ken ken .. What will I do with you
    Come here I'll give you a hug 
  16. big cheez is a joker trying to take the credit for what the rest of apoc all ready done . and brock my motto is bad things happen so that better things can come together. nothing is gaurenteed and the hunter becomes the prey can come into effect .
  17. I dunno, I like silver. Their hansels pay awesome <3
  18. Lol shout out to zaft.... Where u losers gone? Y'all dead?
  19. IlI-BigCheez-III

    U need to repot nublet :)