Saying Sorry To All The Hte Ive Scamed

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SaulGoodman, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. Someone said they think that clans should be able to choose who hits seal. Because of the problem of items being "wrongly taken" (which I disagree with). But I was just stating an idea he could use to improve his own.
  2. You also dont go to subway ,buy what u want and get others to help u finish it and expect them to leave all the bits u want
  3. Well, if you aren't paying for it, and you're hungry, you gotta do what the person who is paying for it says.

    That's what I go by.
  4. Clans rules are posted on clan page, hte clan or not. If you're entering with intentions to break said rules then you're just a gigantic tool. Also, lol @ admin moochers in hte clans. Can't speak for any other than paradise hangout, where most admins seal at least once a day.

    You can keep on your illogical thinking however narcissist, as anyone whom is unwilling to hold two separate views and made an educated decision with facts and not bias also falls into the tool category.
  5. I'm the one unwilling to see two desperate views? Or did you mean to put AJ?

    I thought Rawr members were intelligent, guess you broke that streak.

    Also, isn't it illogical for you to think people care about rules in a game meant for chaos and warring? Oh, no! He took my gold from my virtual epic battle! Please, he's stealing my money!
  6. Cal, it's a lost cause. People lose their sense of humanity when they log in.

    Also, what happened to not taking potshots?
  8. Honestly.. This banter from AJ and Narcissist should have ended a long time ago
  9. I hate to be that 5yr old, but, I was done with it lol.

    He brought it to another thread and brought it back just now.

    And we talking in PM too lol.

    Idk anymore.

  10. No it shouldn't... It's funny ;P

  11. No it shouldn't... It's funny ;P
  12. Can't be finished with it if you still argue over it.
  13. Ah yes, when all else fails, let's involve others whom have no bearing on the debate at hand. Let me know when you're done contradicting yourself.
  14. Then why are u here?
  15. I jumped on there argument quickly
  16. I asked myself the same question actually, been gone for so long I forgot that how dense the ignorance was in most of the forums. Carry on with all the nonsense amongst yourselves.
  17. He's cal, the guy with 300 forum posts who likes to insult people having a simple discussion because he thinks he is better than others. Now, I'll probably get bombarded with insults from this comment even though we all know that I mean no disrespect and have only been agreeing with cal and his disappointment with AJ and Narcissist. But that is the way of cal, the guy with 300 forum posts who likes to insult people. So I do not fret. Good day cal
  18. Cal,

    You decided to jump in and then insult me.

    Don't get upset just because you're the thick one. :)
  19. Cal, you are a pheasant

    That is all
  20. Lol really? My admins seal the same as everyone else 6 day passes. My council has spent thousands to keep the clan running for all our sealers.

    My admins are family, I would back them no matter what and have backed them no matter what.

    Lately I barely even hit ebs, I just run the clan to keep the family together and our guests who have become great friends happy.

    Yes HTE clans may not need to osw and protect eachother like war clans, but it doesn't mean they won't help each other when needed. What about B2B eb clans? Such as B2B that allowed their number one clan B2Bfamily to die because they wouldn't help us in "osw" against Last Rites. Then Able even puts up his banner basically saying **** that I Don't help in osw, we're not involved. Lmao. Now that **** was ridiculous. So its not HTE clans generally, it depends on who's running their clan, any type of clan.

    Everyone is so close here including those who just come to drop seals and then go back to their home clan. We all stay close on our third-party app etc.