Introducing the Black Market

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Moody, Mar 6, 2015.

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  1. Tradebale as in up for grabs once some resets?
  2. The content thing was a joke... Mainly because its obvious that it would create content. Adding anything would be adding content. Be it good or bad. It's self explanatory, I can't break it down anymore.

    And yes there are other thing I support, many more than this. Doesn't mean I shouldn't not like this idea anymore.

    No, I don't care about EE wars at all tbh. In system wars don't interest me, too much preparation for that one hour.

    But yes there are other things I would like to see more than this such as revamped clan systems
  3. I think he means when the level resets.

    If so, yes I would. I would rather allow someone to not suffer the annoyance than have me do nothing with it.
  4. I think he means can people earn rewards, sell them and then get the same EQ again. Maybe?

    I don't think this would make much difference, most good eq is too hard to get twice easily, mith takes effort so I don't mind if they make profit, small eq-hardly anyone will buy it.
  5. You know what i do when i want a nice mith offhand?

    I go war.

    You know what i do when i want a bow from TGL?

    I go do TGL.

    This is the way it has been, and the way it should be. This system is proven to be effective and efficient.

    This black market system only encourages more inflation in this game which is the last thing we need.

    Top tier items such as LB banners, season war gear or event equipment are supposed to be limited time promotional gear. Its not supposed to be obtainable to everyone at any time.

    EB equipment is easily obtainable to all, whenever they want it. So go out and earn it.

    But the elite gear should not be traded or sold. Only earned. It takes weeks if not months of work to get. And those players who do not put in the effort to earn such items do no deserve having said items.

    Just because a player does b2b hte and saves up alot of gold doesnt mean they should be able to buy everything they want. They should instead put that effort into actually playing the game and earning what they want, instead on earning it with a 16 digit number on a piece of plastic.

    And can anyone tell us whats wrong with the current system and why it should be changed?
  6. Nobody knows what he means! :lol:
  7. Exactly Killzone's and my point! I find it odd that we're in the HTE clans :lol: .
  8. Lol I'm old player. Once upon a time if you llc you would get equipment and ally slots. Up to five items they don't take ip equipment slots they are like pro pack equipment this was deleted as it became to easy.
  9. If you reset after low land complete
  10. Refer to wulfs' "grand equipment guide " items not equipment. Sorry about the oxymoron
  11. They should be really expensive though, I remember nml arm took me donkeys I don't want some noob buying it off the back of 1 well hit rec. minimum price for a drop should be 50 bil, if atall. Would there be anyway to compare this to the value of a player/allie? Would bfe become a priority over alies if it cheaper? Reserved...
  12. SUPORT i really like this idea devs!!!
  13. I love this idea but i think it should be like a sort of exchange where the seller puts a buy now price and a bid price and the buyer can choose wether they want it or will wait for a better deal
  14. Supportī€Ž
  15. Support. *waits for overpriced items*
  16. Why is this not a thing yet!!!
  17. I understand Ops intent but I still am not in favour of buyers bypassing earning what others earned. Nor sellers gaining gold in another manner.
    I see this as a shortcut n contradicts what KaW has been about for years..GROWTH
    Excepting exploit builds for EE.
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