Deafening Tyrants - Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Narcissist, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Ah i like this idea you have my full support!!!
  2. Support, however black won't show up well, so maybe red?
  3. Sharp,

    I was thinking Red, but the developers are red, no?

    That would be bad ;)
  4. Updated the support list completely.

    Thank you again for everyone on their support, nice words, constructive criticism. Lots of cool things I've found from you guys and lots of points I needed to clarify before making the finished product.
  5. Support.. Nice idea :)
  6. Congrats on being the 69th supporter ;)

    Edit: sadly, AJ has decided that because our opinions differ on another subject that he no longer supports an idea he previously did!

    You're now supporter 68. Sorry you lost your prestigious title :(
  7. The disappointment :cry: :lol:

  8. No, I've sad multiple times on here that I didn't support. Even in PM.
  9. I beg to differ, you made blatant jokes, but when things went bad is when you finally said "Yeah, go ahead and remove me from the support list".

    If it wasn't subjective you would have told me before I shut you down on the other thread. :)
  10. "I don't support this"

    "No support"

    "Why would I support another order?"

  11. :lol:
  12. Right?!?! :lol:
  13. Now, I do have memory problems... But I swear I didn't put that.

    I call falsifying quotes and will be taking you to court, Narwhal. Better get your whawyer.


  14. Bottom of page 11.
  15. The second post of that page tho. 

  16. You confused, bro?
  17. No, y'all are for letting me in....

    Though I wanted a friendly visit. All these flavors.... And juliane chooses to be salty
  18. I've never heard that one before! #Original
  19. I'll support this thread AGAIN!

    (Do I get the 69th support?)
  20. Guys guys, you're getting off topic from the OP. Nar, I suggest you stay on topic and tell others to do the same before your thread is derailed and locked over OSW banter ;)