Valiant Knight Additions (April 2015)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. What a joke
  2. Congratz...well deserved
  3. With the introduction of more they should remove those who have it that don't deserve it.
  4. Congrats guys, you all deserved this. Maybe someday you can all shine as bright as me, the first(this is debatable) VK.
  5. Thank you, Avatar! I will gladly accept that positive comment with honour!!

    I will do my best to help the community!!
  6. All sound like bum kisser to me
  7. Honestly if you know any of these guys well you will know that they all work hard for the community in many different ways without asking for anything in return. There are more people who do great things within the community however these are the people that were recognised this time around.

    Also speaking of bums you just sounds butthurt that you didn't get it.
  8. I guess kaw wants people to be super nice aka fake to give these " achievements" well screw you i like being an ass moar
  9. Yup hit the nail on the head

    Congrats guys 
  10. Aj deserves it

    Never seen the other two though
  11. Congrats sean, Aj and moody!
    Wishing the best for all of you! :D
  12. I am still of the opinion that Sean is an A.I. invented by the Canadians to be nice to everyone.
    Its the only logical explanation. No human is that nice.
  13. I have helped so many players.... What should i be getting?

    Kaw is my life.... Give me that award now!
  14. Lol Kezzer that's the point there are many more out there that have helped the community what most are laughing at is there are players that have being playing since the start of kaw that have done more for kaw. It is rather a who you know or brown nose competition the reason it's probably on a new thread that it would bring back into question the laughable selection process. Only about 20% of selected vk deserve it. I think they should have minimum requirements then only give it to those who go over and above. Half the people that taught me the game are more deserving.
  15. Congrats, guys! :D
  16. To everyone of you all out there, I could not possibly express how much I am touched by these comments. Saying a Thank you isn't enough. I have said it once on this thread, and I will now say it again. I greatly appreciate all the unique words and I will treasure these comments as well as in my wall posts, as a mark of my Kaw life. I tried to quote each and every one of you individually to let you all know that your words are heard and remembered positively! And I would like to apologize for any comments that I have missed, as well.

    Not a day will go by that I would not think of these moments, which are going to become past soon. Through these comments can go old, but it will remain
    gold to me, from this day until my last Kawing day!

    Thank you all for doing so, and I sincerely hope that you will do it again the next time we see a new group of Valiant Knights rising from the world to join us!

    Castiel, I would like to tell you politely and sincerely that your statement "No human is that nice" is entirely wrong. I will give you my honest answer.

    Yes, I may be acting like an A.I or a machine to you, and I'm completely fine with that as I may be doing things that isn't naturrally human. But let me tell you this- there is no limit on how nice you can be. Good days, and bad days will all come to us. Above all, it all depends on how you react to the situation.

    I, for one, may be overly nice for one main passive reason- it is because I choose to be nice. The truth is, I can be mad, sad, angry or miserable when I want. However, I never did so. Why?

    It is because I CHOOSE to be nice! All by my own choice! By doing so consistently every day, and by believing the quote made by someone:
    Nothing is impossible.

    I can eventually reach over limits and discovered that again, there is NO LIMIT on how nice you can be. It's all on how I react to it!

    I make my own choice to be this way!

    I can do it. And I believe everyone can be continuosly nice too. I would like you to ask this question yourself, Castiel.

    Is being nice all the time, will ever make you any less of a human being?
    Is being nice all over the time, proved to be impossible?

    Note: I apologize to the community for my very, VERY long post but I really want to take the time to value everyone's comments, so...Yeah! :D
  17. Sean893: My parents said I could be anything, so I became a Canadian robot that runs off of kindness.
  18. For all the idiots posting how they havent seen a post from moody or sean, you are either blind or not in forums. sean is so cheerful that entire threads have been dedicated to him.

    moody doesnt post as much, but the quality of his posts, and the helpfulness, has been noticed by most of the forumers.

    at least moody got something more than a stupid badge for coming to kaw.

    sean, moody, aj. congrats. you are all incredibly deserving, and people like you are the reason why the forums are still semi bearable.