Deafening Tyrants - Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Narcissist, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Thanks for all the great support and feedback so far!

    Wasn't expecting this much support so quickly. Updated with everyone who supported and an Example of the CC update :)
  2. Omg yes please

  3. Sounds awesome. Support
  4. This definitely sounds interesting. Support
  5. Support. I think this would encourage PvP more and make the KaW society accept PvP more, however, don't encourage people to get silenced.
  6. Support! Need to recognize those warriors who really whoop buttocks instead of farming an EB like I sit here and to :D
  7. Support. And this. Would make an interesting kaw atmosphere
  9. Add me too that list pls :3
  10. I like the idea of a balance for valiant knights BUT it needs revision. The 5% for PvP is okay, but the cc notification should be done away with. If you are truly an osw account then this would likely at some point alert an enemy clan to a strip
  11. Hmmm, here's an idea:

    Give them an insane amount of a special pot, called 'x'.

    When you use pot 'x' in an account, and only when you use pot, they will be able to see things.

    If you don't want to use it, no alert is given out.
  12. Interesting idea, but it promotes negative behavior, and that's not something devs would consider.

    Also red is the dev color.
  13. This is true. I don't support the silence thing, but I enjoy being rewarded for insane amounts of farming ability! These people have good talent.

    Mostly support.
  14. Spport m9 gud idwa
  15. Like I said in PM, to prevent finding from strips, there is a 24 hour mith spell for 5 mith :)
  16. I vote yarmes into this. Full support
  17. Like the except for the "silenced atleast once" condition