Hey hey hey! What about antigenic shifts on Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase from ducks, chickens, seals, pigs.... And Whales!! ...and you thought a man and a monkey in ancient Egypt was rad..
This photograph, taken during the construction of the pyramids, clearly shows that the ancient Egyptians had access to advanced technology. It's unlikely that HIV would have been able to spread in a society with that kind of knowledge.
Vero bud read the entirety of the 2nd patent. It's technical stuff so take your time. But notice it says continual creation 0o. Anyhow . If said god kills people better watch out we could all be subject to being murdered by the one who supposedly loves us. Also their not looking for a cure in patent 5676977 they created one. Clinical trials have been done. Unfortunately it's not fda backed therefore not available to public. Read the whole patents . Click on the reference tabs. Don't use what you've been told as logic use the facts . Also bud think if I cured aids cancer or any powerhouse money generators for hospitals what it would do to their support structure. It funds their continual exsistance. Cure everything and you decrease money in drug companies hospitals morgs and the list goes on. So cures good ideas ect eliminate jobs. In a capitalist system this cannot happen. Not that they want you to be sick they just trying to stay in business.the picture is bigger than religion or god . It has to do with man and their greed for money. I could give you countless other patents that solve problems but eliminate jobs. Tires that never go flat or wear out. Breaks that never need replaced are a few things that's been created that will never be available to public. Because they eliminate jobs. If you would like the patents for the last 2 let me know.
Disease from dead animals Spreads man to man no symptoms at first sight Sums up a lot of diseases huh
true! But look at monkeys they have siv/hiv but never show it even at death why does the bible say man lays with man shall surely die rather than shall be put to death? Could God feel sorry for a reason?
Due to the bible being a homophobic tool? And God feels sorry?!?!?! I thought he was quite fond of mass murder and genocide.
If the bible says man lays with man will surely die that could mean that homosexuals (gay people) shall Parrish and not have everlasting life
Did you notice that part of the bible was part of the exodus which is the time i am comparing modern aids and a instruction to the priest which looks like aids?
What if aids has been the reason. Look at it this way how much evidence remains before the exodus on any kingdom or people?
In those times thst may have been true, but that would explain deuteronomy when God told them to kill all in the promised land of every nation which if you look at modern South Africa aids epidemic makes you wonder why
According to what I have read there were only a hand full of baboons in ancient Egypt that were trained to pick figs from the trees for their owners other than that I think your trying to compare apples to oranges and something is not adding up.
A study was done to see if a baboons microglia could be productively infected with siv-hiv(shiv) recombinant virus in vitro and whether they express hiv-1 receptors and co receptors. The result show a presence of mRNA for cd4, ccr5, and cxcr4 chemokine receptors on the baboon microglia cells but the microglia cells lacked the mRNA for ccr3 chemokin receptors With that said they can use a baboon for study of shiv but in nature it will not occur with out it being injected in vitro
This is interesting! I was studying hiv/aids being spread through hemmroid then took a break to read the holy bible and found the three verses were talking about maybe i am just being paraniod?
Did you read the bible carefully? Because I'm not... and it will be pretty hard to see the similarities of the bible and science unless you can see them in a different way and compare it again.....