Valiant Knight Additions (April 2015)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Anyone else notice sean893s description is full of their and theys?
  2. Moody's also has a 'they'.
  3. AKA unsure of gender lol
  4. Then THEY should be using IT instead. :p
  5. Autocorrect? Idk
  6. CONGRATZ !!!!!!

    You guys rock! You guys deserve it
  7. GOD DAM IT DEVS !!! You forgot me!
  8. It wasn't just the Devs who forgot you.
  9. I noticed I didn't make the cut, am I too nooorty? XD
  10. I'm not going to get used to seeing that color soon on you soon...
  11. That blue color on your name :O .
    Looking good!
  12. Congratulations
  13. Grats to everyone who got it. Good job guys
  14. Aj smells
  15. A secret that will never be discussed...
  16. Congratz to you all you have given so much to the community and we thank you
  17. LMAO I'm still not VK?

    I have only ever even HEARD of one of these players... let alone SEEN them..
  18. Gratz AJ  PS : Sean tried too hard for VK 