Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 24, 2015.

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  1. Haunting: The Escape and Revenge of the Warbeasts promos return this weekend!

    From now until 11:59AM PDT on Monday, April 27th you'll earn 50% more plunder from both the Haunting: The Escape and Revenge of the Warbeasts epic battles.

    Note: This will only affect Epic Battles started from this point forward. EB's currently in progress will receive regular payout.
  2. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Yay. Amazing. Unexpected. Whippee.
  3. Re: [PROMO] HTE

  4. Greatest idea ever

  5. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Lvl 4 abyss soon to be released 
  6. Really !!! Cannot beleve how greedy ata has become.its just no fun anymore
  7. Re: [PROMO] HTE

  8. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Alternatively it's to help recoup the losses the pvp event had on many players rather than greed...? No..? Ok :cry:
  9. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    I choose to believe this over anything else.
  10. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    TLM rules and we love Kuni and Milky
  11. Re: [PROMO] HTE

    Do EBs even drop seals anymore?!? Signed by owner of a B2B Haunt Clan with no seal drops for ENTIRE event...uh?...what?!?...
  12. Too bad this didn't happen yesterday when i opened my crux chests...
  13. I gotva horn and a seal lol
  14. Yayayayayaayaayyayayay
  15. Is this a sign that HTE is finally going to find its proper place in this game as a br and promo.
  16. No.
  17. More signs of a new Haunting coming...
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