This has probably been brought up before, but I think that there should be a new type of world chat which separates ads to normal chat. Everyone knows how much ads clog up, and I think that having a separate chat for them will help organise world chat and actually allow people to chat. Open to any comments, feel free to voice your opinion Edit: I don't think this needs to be massively developed, I just think there should be a split section button which says 'wc(ads)' or 'wc(other)' or something along those lines to allow people to chat normally without having all of those 'spammy' (if I'm allowed to say that...ha) adverts that ruin a conversation Edit: I have realised that this could be considered similar to the 'findmyeb' account that is so widely used. I think this could be used as a more widely used version of that as it applies to all people by singling out clan adverts to see
I have heard about a new chat category like this a couple times in the past, but it was never implemented you should try directly emailing the devs.
Then they would be blocked (silenced) from that chat as this would be made to be against the posting rules as it doesn't comply to the new chat format that would be in place. Does that make sense?
Technically it would, but I agree that it probably wouldn't be that necessary to moderate it that much. Well then again, I don't really think it's that great of a change. Of All the things they could change, changing this would be a waste.
Fair point, but surely the solution to this would be to raise the number of mods available at any one time in order to cover for this
I agree with you, this possibly isn't the most necessary feature, but I think it would be a nice little addition to generally make life easier for a lot of players
I somewhat support this idea but somewhat am against it. Although it would be nice to see no ads in wc for once, I've also joined clans from seeing random ads in wc and I wasn't even looking to swap clans so if a separate wc was introduced only for ads then I wouldn't join a clan unless I specifically wanted to if you know what I'm getting at
Thanks for the input, I think the new feature would still be just as accessible as the old school, so people are still just as likely to stumble upon 'golden clans' if you will haha. It would only take a click to go to the ads section, where you can have a brief scroll though. Most people would tend to remain on the ads section all the time, as they have no input into world chat. Therefore for them, the benefit would be uninterrupted adverts (no updates and chat etc.) whilst people that wanted to talk could do so without issues.
I haven't seen it in the topics recently, so I wasn't sure whether it had been said before. Even so, it shows that it is a possibly popular thoughts if it has been brought up more than once