I feel like the developers need to make a big addition to the game very soon if they want to keep their core player base hooked.
Didn't read text-just the headline. Answer=death. Kaw will die within a year. Devs missed their window of opportunity to listen to vets. Game is done
That was my point. Even if someone had it figured out and gave it to the devs on a silver platter, i still doubt it would be implemented. Other than ee wars, what has been improved upon that wasn't revenue driven? Correct me if im wrong, but i cant remember the last time that something was updated that improved the actually system. Designing events over functionality. Kinda maked an obvious statement that they are investing in something else.
Its almost a requirement to xstal if u plan on winning an ee war. 1$ per player every clan. Numerous wars everyday. Ee is money driven aswell lol. Thats why war xstals nvr came out. I remember wars u used ur xstal then within an hr they returned. Beta wars i belive. So it was complete bull it was too hard, they just would rather we buy or xstals
If devs want to keep this game alive they should implement the idea of a kaw juggernaut which would make a huge difference in activity in the game Make it so there's no permanent bonuses like eq until several months after its launch so thw community can address any problems and exploits before hand and change it as needed
Don't get me wrong, kaw is a great game and I enjoy playing it every day. But devs listened to no one but themselves and that cracked 'em up. 2-3 years at most before we are done, and then I need to search for something new to kill time.
If Kaw dies, think of all those that have invested real money into growing their account/s. So many have so much to lose. The devs need to inject new life into a dying game. As for listening to players. Aren't our mods supposed to be our voices? Why aren't they speaking up louder?
In other words, I have no idea what I am responding to, and do not know if any of the information after this is relevant to the actual thread. Well, at one point Future Combat was contributing more revenue than KaW was, and what did they did? They completely ignored it. Some people there had much more to lose than some of us, and what did they do about it? Nothing. They tried to do nothing to add life there. So, from this pattern, its safe to say, they won't care about how much money people will lose as long as they do not lose revenue. KaW_Community was supposed to be our voice. He was supposed to interact with the community and learn what we want. He is obviously very involved and is encouraging our ideas... :roll:
They are busy silencing players...but true...our mods should join and should tell to devs what are the fails in game now...perhaps it would be the only form to keep alive the game...and lb and veterans should tell what they watch wrong in game too from old times to now.. if we want that game stays we all should be one...
Looks like somebody's trying to bask in Larrys infamy. It's hard telling where the game will be in a few years. Personally I think it's getting to the point where all it has left are its promos and events where the small majority scramble to get the best rewards. Undoubtedly new lands will be released along with new buildings to accommodate the lb, but I don't think it will be enough to keep anyone (if them at all) interested.
Another hint is in the fact that so far the devs have been working on further developing things for the older player base and those who spend more money by bringing more lands out yet they have gone quiet on the current player system of kaw. one way they could encourage new players is possibly having a tutorial that will amount to a higher cs and higher amount of gold with which to buy allies. true this will be unfair to current players who have worked to get that far in the game but at this point increasing participation rates should be paramount and anyone who spent money to get where they did should be aware of the progression of the game when they made purchases and that the game isn't just going to stay still for the moral values of any one player. if they are serious they need to take drastic action to improve participation and spend less time facilitating a mad LB dash towards the finish line. typical human nature really keeping on pushing for more and more without realising there are limits to create an unsustainable system.
Not really, no. In fact it was doing really well in the time period 2010-2013. Honestly though, it's hard for a company to keep a game originally based on minimalism, prospering. As the devs are focused on growing their profits in the same rate as before, they add more things to the game, but really all they do is get more and more repetitive. Such actions will ultimately affect the development of the game, and the dynamics between players.
Everything has an age, and that includes games. When a baby is born, it is inevitable that it will die at some point. Therefore, everything that is living is also dying. So yes, KaW has always been dying.
I think more ebs definetly more tiers and more land to explore. I think more people will start to play KAW.